Saturday, June 14, 2014

Town, Delivering Meals and Planting with the Girls

Errands needed to be done in town.  Mel needed feed for the horse and we wanted to check on tick spray for Buttercup.
At the Feed Store

Getting Flowers 

Big Helpers

Braum's for Breakfast

Delivering Meals to the Shut-Ins

Waiting for the Meals 

The Cooks at the Center

McKaylea would hand me the dessert.

Emma would hand me the tray.

The Girls with Grammy at the Center

Our New Cats
Janie, one of the cooks, had 2 cats she gave us.

As you can see, the cats did not lack for attention!

Planting Flowers

Bible Safari
Mel drove the church bus for Bible Safari.  The girls enjoyed the end of the year party.

A funny story today:  I had gotten a tick off of Emma the day before.  When we went to the feed store, Mel found some tick spray.  As we were driving in town, we were discussing the spray for ticks.  I told him about the tick I had gotten off Emma.  I glanced in the backseat and Emma was pointing to herself with a puzzled look.  I asked what was wrong.  Hearing about the tick spray and then getting the tick off of her, she thought we were going to spray her!  How we laughed about that!
The story doesn't end here:  I called Melodi to tell her the funny story.  She didn't answer her phone.but called back while I was in line at Braum's.  Since I was busy paying for our meals, I handed the phone to Emma.  Emma tried to tell her the story, but with the noise and her soft voice, Melodi could only understand "head, spray, tick".  She was totally confused.  I explained the whole story and we all had a good laugh!!!

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