Saturday, June 14, 2014

Time on Farm Coming to an End

The girls week on the farm was coming to a close.   Everyone stayed busy!  We did afternoon reading, feeding the horses and chickens, completing sewing projects and nature observations.

Afternoon Reading Time

The Kildee's Nest with 4 Eggs 

The Anxious Kildee Parent

Feeding and Petting the Horses

Completed Sewing Projects

Time to Go Home

The girls received their "farm work pay".

Snacks on the Road

Stopping at Teskey's Farm Store
On the way to meet Melodi and Bryan we stopped at Teskey's Farm Store.  Because it has so many items, it is overwhelming on your first visit.

Meeting Parents and Brothers

What sweet, loving, kind and thoughtful girls Emma and McKaylea are!  They are also good workers!
We enjoyed having them for a week.  Bryan and Melodi have done a great job raising them.

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