Monday, January 31, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge

The Bradford Family Christmas was in January this year because Bryan, Melodi & the kids would be back in the States to stay for a while.  The Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas sounded like a good place to have fun indoors - it was  January and it did prove to feel like it a couple of days while we were there.
Loading kids in Grandmom & Grandpop's car (we did have the DVD) and adults in Mitch & Amberlea's car, we headed out for Texas.
Chili's at Gainesville was the choice for lunch, then on the road again for a while to reach our destination  - The Great Wolf Lodge.  Wow! Very impressive as we drove in!
The kids spotted the waterpark right off!  After checking-in we put on our wristbands - our identity while there and also our room key.
After getting unpacked everyone met at the waterpark for an afternoon of fun times!
The slides, wave pool, lazy river, basketball in the pools, obstacle course and the dump provided hours of wet and fun time for all.
We were all tired and hungry so ordering pizza to have in the room sounded like a good choice.  No one wanted to get dressed and go out for supper (as we call it on the farm) or dinner (as Amberlea calls it).
Storytime was at 8:00 p.m.  After some ice cream it was time for bed.  The boys spent the night in our room the first night.  The next morning everyone met at Starbucks  (in the lodge) for coffee and hot chocolate, to visit and then we were off to the Old West Cafe in Grapevine  for breakfast.
Talk about huge portions!!  The coffee was served in a large coffee mug and the food orders provided more than enough for everyone to be "stuffed".
Walking around the Grapevine Mills Mall was the place to "work off "the big breakfast in a warm environment since an Arctic cold front had moved into the area.  Everyone went their separate ways to shop and we kept in touch with cell phones.  After shopping it was time for the waterpark again.  Another afternoon of rides on the slides and having fun together.
Mitch & Amberlea and Bryan & Melodi went out to eat together.  Grandpop and I went to get chicken for the kids.  Back in the room we played games, built a fort with pillows and blankets between the beds, and watched TV until parents returned.  This was the night for the girls'  to stay in our room.
Friday - going home day, we met at Starbucks  again.  Mel & I took Bryan, Melodi & the kids to DFW Airport for them to fly to Kansas City.  Leaving them this time was so much easier than when previous times when they had to go back to Germany.  They are so much closer and we can all get together much more often.
What fun times and memories we have of 2010 Bradford Family Christmas at the Great Wolf Lodge.  As the kids said, "AWESOME!"

Ready for the journey to Great Wolf Lodge

Eating at Chili's

The Great Wolf Lodge

Our wristbands

A schedule of activities

The waterpark that has a temperature of 84 degrees

Amberlea ordering pizza for the family

The "guys" are patiently waiting for the pizza

Snow inside the lodge - it "snows" 2 times a day in the lodge.

The area where storytime is held

The book, Corduory , being read

All are attentive and listening for storytime

Wiley, the Wolf greets the children

Mathew, Jett and Jacob discussing "important issues"


The Old West Cafe

The kids ready to go get chicken. The parents are going out to eat by themselves so the kids stay with Grandpop & Grandmom.

Enjoying chicken in the room

Building a fort between the beds using pillows and blankets

Pictures are taken during the slide rides in the waterpark and then put on the USB. How creative the USB is shaped like a wolf's paw!

Melodi, Amberlea and I each selected a Christmas ornament as a momento of our time together.

The girls and their families bought this frame for Mel & I for keeping the kids the night  they had dinner together.  They brought Mel a special jug.

Our wonderful family of 11

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