Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve

Mel and I began our morning very early - 4:10 a.m. to be exact.  The 3 younger grandkids had slept in our room. 
This shadow loomed over me, gave me a kiss and told me that Grandpop and I were the "bestest grandparents in the world".  Wow! What a compliment!  It was Jett.  I told him thank you.  He laid down for a little while then stood up by the bed and told me he would be our "guard-dog" while we slept. Again I thanked him for watching over us.  A short time later he is by the bed for the 3rd time and tells me he needs to go potty.  Ok, that's fine.  He goes into the bathroom, turns on all the lights, flushes the toilet and then the lid slams down, comes back in to lay down again.  Now we hear 2 other giggles so Emma and McKaylea are awake.  All 3 jump on our bed and are ready to begin the morning.  Mel and I are too at this point.  Examples like this are what make special memories!

After enjoying coffee, it was time to begin preparations for the Christmas Eve Get-Together for the extended Bradford Family.  I had good helpers - Mat and Jake moved the tables in for me and then Emma, McKaylea and Jett decorated them for me.

Family arrived so it was time to eat.  So many goodies and finger food to enjoy!

Time for the annual "Grammy and kids, grandkids and great-grandkids pictures". 
This was the first time since 2006 that all the grandkids and greats were together at Christmas Eve when the annual pictures are made.
Grammy with the grandkids and great-grandkids
As she calls them, "The Grands and The Greats".

Who knows what was said in this pose!
Grammy with "The Greats"

Grammy with "The Grands"

Grammy with "The Kids "

3 Generations Together

How very blessed with family, fun and special memories!!!

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