Saturday, March 3, 2012

City Boy on the Farm Again

Jett came to the farm to stay a few days.  Never do we lack for things to do or experiences to share.  He is quite versed in "farm terminology".  His favorite saying (that Grandpop taught him) is "Those are sure-enough good looking cows!"  Grandpop beams on this one!!
After meeting Jett and Amberlea at Norman and shopping a little, it was time to head to the farm.  Jett said he was so excited!
It was time to do some "bull swapping and moving".   A friend at church had loaned us a bull until one of his would be old enough for us to purchase.  What a great deal!  The bull had been on the farm for a couple of months.  Mel observed that he was not getting the job done.  We were concerned that a crop of calves would be lost this year if something was not done.  My brother and sister graciously allowed us to "borrow their bull".  How thankful we were for their offer!  We went to my brother's place to load the bull.  Not sure if he would load easily for us or not, we took a sack of feed to "entice" him.  When the bull heard the sack rattle he went right in to the pen and right in the trailer.  Jett waited in the pick-up and he was shocked when the big bull made the trailer bounce along with the pick-up.  While he was waiting in the pick-up, he spotted a tree that would be great for climbing.  I told him we would come back another day so he could climb.  The picture will follow of his tree climbing.
Jett and Grandpop looking over the situation.

The bull suspiciously checking
out things since we were
new to him.
Jett was peeking at the bull in the trailer.
The Bull Being Unloaded in our Pasture

The Tree to Climb

Jett also checked out the old cellar.

After having lunch Jett played with Legos then we were off to return the borrowed bull.

School Time
School activities were included in our daily farm day.  Jett is really coming along in his reading.  We practiced the skills and then he read books to me as well as Grandpop.

One activity I had him do was to make a "to-do list".  This included penmanship and phonics skills.  You can see use of the phonics he has learned.  His list was complete with detailed drawings as well as  the words.
The front page of his list:

The back of his page:
Tractor was on Jett's list.  He helped Grandpop drive.
The guys with their cowboy hats are off to the tractor.

Not only did I get a wave from Jett, he also tipped his hat at me.  Who could ask for more?
The Horse

Jett and Grandpop worked on baseball skills.

Grandpop explained about the "sweet part of the bat" (the part you want to hit with).

Of course, cookies were an important item under the food list!

The weather was great during the days Jett was here so we enjoyed a lot of outside time and a little time doing crafts.
This was Jett's pond (a bowl filled with water in a mole hole).

The rocks are steps down under the pond and the clear bottom of the pond allows you to see under it. He explained to me.

Jett showed me the underground tunnel under the pond.

Other Things We Did:

Played with Cats

Gathered Eggs

Can't you just imagine the story he has here!
Built a Fort

Worked on the Pirate Ship

Foil Craft

One new experience was for Jett to ride the church bus.  It was Grandpop's turn to pick-up the kids for Bible Safari.  Jett thought this was neat! 

Jett had a good time at Bible Safari.  He and Nathan made friends quickly.
Jett observed a calf being born.  One of our cows was calving behind the house.  Mel always keeps close tabs on them and if not careful wants to rush them. 

The binoculars helped.

The country and farm life make for fun and wonderful experiences for everyone and especially kids.  Mel and I have fun seeing things differently through the eyes of the grandkids. 

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