Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Float Test for Freshness of Eggs

After moving the chickens and the "indoor pen"outside, Mel found 23 eggs over in the corner of the barn in insulation that we had for the pressure tank.  Several days we would get 1 - 3 eggs and wondered why not 4 eggs, but decided maybe they just rotated days off.  Well, we think possibly Eagle was  the main culprit (she seems to have her own agenda), but we have no proof.  Evidently some of the days the other chickens had the same idea. Since then we have discovered that if we keep the chickens in their pen and not allow them to roam, we get 4 eggs.
Mel brought the eggs to the house.  I did research on how to determine freshness of eggs.  I then proceeded to do the test on the 23 eggs.
Where the eggs were found

What Mel brought to the house

Instructions on testing the freshness of the eggs - it is called the "Float Test"

Doing the test

Unbelievable!  All 23 tested fresh. 

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