Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Farm Happenings

Several things have occurred on the farm the past couple of weeks. 
We have 4 new baby calves.
New Babies
 This little one is marked so uniquely.  He has the white streak on his shoulder and it continues down his leg for one totally white leg.

A Trip to the Vet
One of our heifers had trouble calving so we loaded her into the trailer and she went to the vet.  Luckily, Mel got her there in time and the bull calf was fine.  The vet kept them overnight just to make sure.  He called the next morning and told Mel the calf was doing great!  In fact it was running and bucking.
Mel and the vet are discussing the mama and new baby
Mama cow headed to load in the trailer

The vet telling Mel about the new boy

He is so cute!

Time for baby boy to go load in the trailer

He was  a little reluctant and needed some "encouragement".
Unloading the little guy at home
Mama exits next
The other cows come to check out everyone!

Our New Young Bull
Mel purchased a young bull for our herd.
The girls come to meet him!
Gardening Time Again!
The seeds and plants are purchased.
The ground is tilled.
Onion plants and bulbs as well as spinach and radish seeds are planted.
Horses and chickens are doing well.

The chickens enjoy eating cat food.

We have moved the chickens outside now that the weather is warmer.
The chickens in their outside henhouse

Our family and farm book for 2011 was completed, ordered, published and has arrived.

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