Friday, March 23, 2012

The Retrieved Cell Phone

Last Tuesday Mel and I went to town to do errands.  We decided to eat at a local restaurant.  When Mel took his coat off, his glasses slipped into his sleeve.  He got them out, we ordered, went home, did chores and enjoyed a quiet evening.  The next morning he started to leave for a meeting in OKC when he discovered his cell phone was missing.  We looked all over the house.  I then dialed his number using the house phone and strangely a foreign speaking woman answered.  Maybe I had mistakenly dialed the wrong number.  I apologized, hung up and tried again.  The same woman answered.  I inquired about her phone number.  She stammered over a number.  I explained that we were trying to locate a missing cell phone.  "Don't call again" was her response.   Talk about puzzled, we were!  We discussed where he last had the phone and remembered the incident about his glasses.  Could the cell phone have fallen out at this restaurant?  He needed to leave so I retraced his morning routine of feeding, thinking that possibly it could have fallen out of his pocket.  I used my cell phone to call.  On the phone it came up "Mel - Hubby" from my contact list so I knew I was dialing the correct number.  This time it went to his voice mail.  Ok, I knew his phone was working somewhere.  In a few minutes in another part of the pasture I dialed again and this time a foreign speaking man answered.   I asked if he or a family member worked at this certain restaurant in Ada.  Yes, he did.  I explained that I had dialed my husband's phone number and this man was the one who answered. I descibed Mel's phone then he gave a funny laugh and replied, "I thought this was my phone".  ???????  Many questions were going through my mind.  He then wanted to know when I would be in Ada, and I quickly asked what time would he be there so I could get the phone.  He told me between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00.  I said I would be there then.  Since was about 8:20, I hurriedly got dressed and went to this restaurant.  I knocked on the locked door and noticed a young woman was cleaning.  I pointed to my phone, she came to the door and I explained I was there to get a lost cell phone.  She asked me to wait while she went back inside.  There I stood in the alley waiting.  After what seemed like several minutes, she returned and gave me the cell phone.  I opened it and it had "missed call - Cathy".  I knew it was Mel's.  I politely thanked her and returned home.  I did check the call log and no other calls than what we had made was recorded.  How, why, whatever we do not know.  We were just thrilled that we did not have to cancel the phone and purchase a new one.  Quite an experience for sure.  Mel was very surprised and thrilled when he got home and found out I had been able to get his phone.

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