Monday, March 12, 2012

Grammy's 85th Birthday

March 10 was Grammy's birthday and this year she was 85.  We surprised her with taking a cake to the Senior Citizens Center on Friday.  Not informing us until Friday morning, she scheduled a perm for 10:00  that morning.  The cooks at the Center had called the beautician to tell her about the surprise for Grammy.    To help things along, a couple of people went to the beauty shop to make sure Grammy would be done in time for lunch.  She made it right on time at 11:30.
When she came in the Center, everyone sang, "Happy Birthday".  It was a few minutes later before she realized that Mel, Julie (she was out of school Friday) and I were there.  We really did surprise her!
Grammy coming in with her wet head
Grammy with her new perm
Phylis making announcements
The cake
Dub showing Grammy her cake
Mel, Julie and Grammy
Mel and I with Grammy

We had told her earlier in the week we would go to the Aldridge for breakfast.  This she did know about.  Her friend, Addie, and the family met and enjoyed a delicious breakfast together.
Getting our table ready

Addie and Grammy

Saturday night we had supper at Grammy's house that Julie had prepared.  It was delicious!
Grammy opened her gifts and commented on what a great birthday she had!

A funny story about the blouse - Sunday morning Grammy told me there were yellow spots on the blouse.  I asked her if they were made into the fabric.  No, they were not.  I told her I would be happy to exchange the blouse.  Oh no, she wanted to keep it.  She thought she could was the yellow out.  Well, Sunday afternoon she called to say that the yellow spots were leaves on the design of the blouse.  She thought that maybe daylight savings time had gotten the best of her!

Happy Birthday, Grammy, and we wish you many more!!

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