Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Grandkids on the Farm - Part 1

Jacob and Mathew visited the farm for a few days.  Later would be the girls' turn.
We had bought all 5 new bicycles.  Now the boys had a chance to see and ride theirs.

Barn Time
The magic words for the grandkids are "Time to go to the barn!"  All are out the door and loaded in the mule or pick-up without another word being said.
The Chickens
Since we had been gone overnight, we put the chickens in the barn in the pen with the young chicks.  We now moved all to the chicken pen and coop outside.

Checking out Ft. McHenry
The boys have worked, played and enjoyed their fort in the old dairybarn.

Jake enjoyed the swing until...
it broke!  We had a good laugh!

Mat's swing held up okay.
When the boys are here, Grandpop and I have chauffeurs!  What a deal!!
Could you say we just sit back and enjoy the ride???  Maybe!

Lego Sets

Digging Potatoes - Row 1
Two rows of potatoes needed to be dug.  Because the ground was so hard, we dug only one row.  Rain was in the forecast so we thought we would wait until it rained or we watered.
The boys are good helpers

The boys bought some worms and fishing items.  They couldn't wait to try them out!

Off to Fish!

Mat's Catch

Jake telling me he had a fish and it got away!
Sure enough, it did.  Grandpop was there as a witness!
The bucket they had needed to be rinsed out so while Grandpop did that, Jake held his fish in the edge of the water so it would not die.  You guessed it!  It managed to slip through his fingers.

Jacob posing with his fish that got away!

Fantasy Baseball
Jake and Grandpop putting a team together

Jake checking the scores for the teams


Playing outside

The boys were ready to earn some money by doing chores on the farm.
Painting the fence was one chore.

The Horses
Feeding the horses was another chore.

Hoeing in the garden

Adding Another Boy to the Group
On Tuesday of the next week Jacob and I went to Norman to meet Amberlea.  Jett was coming to the farm to stay a few days with the boys and then with the girls.  Mathew elected to stay on the farm with Grandpop.

Look at these 2 handsome guys!  As Amberlea said, "They look more like brothers than Jake and Mat do."
We enjoyed Starbucks before shopping.

Jett seeing his new bicycle for the first time

Jake explaining about the gears on the bike

A little assistance from the big cousin

Off he goes!

Slip n Slide Time

Taking a break eating Popsicles

A good way to dry off  -  riding bikes

Off to the Barn
The 3 "guys" were in the Gator while Grandpop and I followed in the Mule.

Grandpop was weaning 3 young heifers in one pasture, plus he had a calf in that same pasture.  He needed assistance to keep the heifers in while he got the calf out so it could nurse the stubborn mother cow that has to be put in the head-gate for it to nurse. 

Grandpop explaining what he wants them to do

They got the calf out as he wanted

now close the gate

The mother cow in the head-gate

Grandpop showing the boys how the head-gate works

Digging Potatoes - Row 2
After having some rain the second row of potatoes was much easier to dig.  Also, another helper was here to help!

Playing Games
Melodi and Amberlea had the games, "Bed Bugs" and "Mr. Mouth" years ago. 
The kids found these games at the Annex while waiting for Grandpop to mow.  They had so much fun playing them.  We brought them home and they continued to play them.

More Chores:
Gathering plums so Grandmom can make plum jelly -
nothing better than plum jelly on hot rolls according to the grandkids!


Painting the other side of the fence

Putting rocks in the hole so it is not so muddy when it rains

Feeding the chickens some scraps
The rooster is in the pen so Jett does not want to go in.

Hoeing the garden

Delivering Meals to Shut-Ins
Twice a week Mel and I deliver meals to the shut-ins.
We get the food at the Senior Citizens Building.

Waiting for the food to be ready so we can load it in the pick-up

Since it was going to be a little while, the boys went outside to play on the playground in the park.

Loaded and ready to go

Jett moved to the front since the food took up the 3rd place in the back.

What a system we had!
Mat would hand me a tray.

Jake would hand me the dessert.

At one of our stops the couple has chickens, roosters, goats, guineas, dogs, cats and a turkey.
The lady was so kind to let the kids hold a baby guinea.

Jett visiting with the lady's 3 year old great-nephew

Holding the baby guinea

Meals all delivered!

The Bank
The boys had some money they wanted to deposit in their savings accounts.

Making "Dirt Cake"
Jake wanted "dirt cake" as one of the desserts.  Everyone helped make it.
Mat mixing the pudding

Jake adding powdered sugar, cream cheese and Cool Whip

Of course, we needed volunteers to lick the beaters to make sure the dessert would be good!

Jett added the crushed Oreo cookies that make it look like dirt

Each helped with the different layers

Grandmom adding the top layer

 Favorite Foods Enjoyed
Chocolate chip pancakes

Fruit Pizza

Ice Cream Sandwiches

Art Time

The menu for the week was made by the boys.  We watched baseball, movies, ate well, did chores and had a wonderful time with the boys.
Funny saying:  Jett came in from outside and said, "I have good news and bad news.  The bad news is my new bike is too big and my old one is too small!  The good news is Mat's bike is just right!"
Funny happenings we experienced :  the potato throw from one brother at another accidentally and  the $5 game. 
We have the rule:  What happens on the farm stays on the farm!
What a special treat to spend time with the grandkids!
(Part 2 will be the girls on the farm.)

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