Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our Trip to Texas

Mel and I went to Texas to visit the kids. to see where they live, to watch Mathew's "bridging over ceremony" for Boy Scouts and to bring the boys back home with us for a visit on the farm.
We had no trouble finding their house with the great directions Melodi sent us.  The kids and Melodi were outside on the porch when we drove by so Grandpop just pretended not to see them and drive by.  They were waving and hollering to get our attention!

Visiting and watching a Ranger's game

Mathew had turned 11 (hard to believe!) so he opened his birthday present.
The new house the Woods Family is purchasing!  Beautiful!!

We ate at Casa Ole'.  Delicious!!
They have a unique avocado dip and the spinach enchiladas are so tasty!

Preparing for the ceremony

Melodi helping Mathew

Getting things ready

Visiting while waiting

The bridge for the ceremony

Before the ceremony a game was played by the kids.
The purpose was to work together getting from one point to another. 

Our handsome "soon to be" Boy Scout

The ceremony

Mathew "bridging over"

Jacob is already a Boy Scout.  He helped with the ceremony.
He is so grown up and good-looking!

The proud parents

Family Photo time
What a great looking group!

We celebrated by going to Dairy Queen for ice cream.
What hard decisions have to be made!

The adults visiting

The ice cream cones have arrived

Melodi and Bryan shared

Yum!  Yum!

We spent the night then early the next morning headed for the farm.  The boys were ready to leave by 5:00 a.m.  Of course we needed coffee before we left so it was closer to 6:00 by the time we left. 
On our way home we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

What a fun time we had with The Woods Family in Texas!
Thank you for the great time!


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