Monday, June 11, 2012

The Grandkids on the Farm - Part 2

It was girls' turn to be on the farm.  Bryan and Melodi were headed from Texas to Kansas.  Because of the long drive and busy week-end ahead, we met them at Davis to trade Jacob and Mathew for Emma and McKayley.
Jett would enjoy a couple of days with the girls before he went home. 
Our 5 Precious Grandkids - What a great looking group!
My! How they are growing!!

The Exchange takes place
The 2 boys go with Mom and Dad and the 2 girls go to the farm

The kids are hungry so we go through McDonald's and take the food home to enjoy.

Barn Time
When we finished eating McDonald's, it was time for barn chores.

Time to try out the new bicycles

A little assistance was needed at first...

but later she was off and going without any problem!

McKaylea decided she was a "little short in the legs" and would use a smaller bike for now.
Evening time
Legos was the choice for a while

Later the girls changed to Barbies
These Barbies are the ones Melodi and Amberlea had when they were young girls.

Jett watched the girls with the Barbies for a while then he decided to dress Ken.
"How in the world do you put these clothes on?"  was Jett's question.
Emma gave him a lesson on how to put the clothes on the small dolls.

McKaylea changed to the train track and cars.

Jett decided to join her.

Blind Man's Bluff

Slip n Slide Fun

Maybe 3 in a row???
I'm sure they had a reason why they did this!
Water Guns
I filled a bucket with water so they could refill their water guns easily.

Many refills were needed.

Jump Rope
This may be becoming a "thing of the past".  They had fun trying.  They wanted to jump forward each time the rope would go around.  Mel and I were moving with the rope attempting to stay up with the kids.  The Oklahoma wind did not help at all.
(Emma took these pictures.  She did a great job!)

I did  this picture - a challenge to take a picture and turn the rope at the same time.

Can't you just imagine the "serious discussion" going on here!

Visiting Grammy

Fun on the Ramp
The garden seat has provided many hours of fun for the grandkids. 
Wow!  With the slope of the ramp and the garden seat who wouldn't enjoy this (unless you didn't stop at the end of the ramp!).

McKaylea was more cautious.  She would do it herself!  She preferred not to have a push.

Boundless energy and good times together

The kids went into the pasture and picked a bouquet for me.  How sweet and thoughtful!
They needed something to put them in - a quart jar works well!

The 3 with their beautiful bouquet!

We took turns getting the paper and mail.

Movie and  Popcorn Time

These 3 love chocolate chip pancakes just like the older boys do!

An Ice Cream Sandwich Break

We needed a few groceries so all 5 of us made a trip to town early in the morning.  Since we needed
milk, breakfast at Braum's was the deal.

While getting groceries, each one picked out a box of candy. 
On the way home they exchanged with each other.

Outside Fun

Jett was the referee for the girls.

Mitch and Amberlea came down for a Memorial Day Cook-out.

What better way to celebrate the start of summer than with home-made ice cream!

As I removed the inside, I had 3 waiting for a taste!

All agreed it was delicious!

The kids found a craft book and wanted to make the house it showed.
Emma read the directions for everyone. 
 What a great reader she is becoming!

Jett went home.  The girls had a couple of days on the farm by themselves.

Gathering the Eggs

Feeding the Horses

Looks as though Freckles will get a nibble before Emma pours the feed in the trough.

Riding in the Gator with Grandpop to tend to the heifers

In the refrigerator at the barn Grandpop keeps Yoo-Hoo, Gatorade and water.
A special treat is to have Yoo-Hoo at the barn.  It just tastes better there!

Picking Green Beans
The girls and I went to the Annex to pick 2 rows of green beans.
They are good workers!!

Emma is discussing the bean in the green beans.

After arriving home the girls wanted to "snap" their beans and take them home to eat.

Ice Cream Cones
The girls decided to "top" their ice cream cones with grapes.

The Garden Bag and Tools
The girls now have their own garden bag and tools to use in the flowerbeds and garden.

Helpers in the House
The girls are good at setting the table.

It was time for the meeting again.  This time Mel and I came home by ourselves.
We adjusted to the quiet house rather quickly.  Ha ha!

What a fun week with the girls!  They are so sweet, thoughtful and special!
Funny Happenings and Sayings: 
The first morning Jett and Emma woke up at 4:15 a.m. and went into the living room.  Grandpop was up.  Jett told Emma they needed to go back to bed because Grandmom was not up yet. 
Another morning they woke up at 5:00 a.m.  Jett said it was a "family wake-up time".  Everyone needed coffee.
I told the kids there was one rule on the bicycles,  "Don't get hurt!"  Jett replied,  "I'll teach them how to dodge the fall!  The secret is just to jump off when you start to fall!"
Emma giving Jett instructions on dressing Ken.
McKaylea sat on a Lego.  Jett patted her on the shoulder and consoled her,  "I know how it feels when you sit on a Lego.  I know.  I know."
Jett burped several times and said excuse me each time.  He then went on to say,  "Grandpop does it all the time and so does my  Dad!".
When beginning to pick beans, Emma would ask,  "Is this bean ripe?".

The 2 weeks we had with the grandkids are priceless and many memories were made for all!

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