Friday, June 22, 2012

Goodies from the Garden

It's that time of the year that we can enjoy "goodies from the garden".   Eating does not get any better than fresh tomatoes, corn,  peppers, squash, and fruit.

Our 1st Tomato
Last year with the drought tomatoes were very few.  This year looks as though there should be plenty!  I sure hope so!
Pickled Beets
I canned 18 jars of  pickeled beets .
Zucchini Squash
The little fellow who gardens at the Annex brought these to me.  When I receive these, I know he is hinting for a zucchini cake. 
This year I also tried a new recipe using these large zucchini in "Mock Apricot Jam".  The jam turned out delicious!

The Recipe I Use
Plum Jelly
Our Garden Goodies of Tomatoes, Corn and Sweet Peppers
We really enjoy eating the fresh veggies and fruit and using them in various recipes!

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