Friday, August 3, 2012

Selling Cows (Again)

Round 2 of drought conditions for us!   Last year was horrible.  After some fall and especially spring rains, we were encouraged that this year would be better.  For a while it was, then rains stopped and summer heat and wind set in.  With temperatures now over 100 almost everyday and no rain, the grass, ponds and pastures are suffering. 
After checking our pastures and the grass situation, Mel decided to sell 14 cows that we had around the house.  He would let the pasture "set out" for a few months. 
Like many others we are hoping and praying for rain.  With some good rains, cooler temps and time the grass and pond situations would improve dramatically.  Optimistism and faith are what keep cattle ranchers and farmers going year after year.

The Sale Barn

The Unloading Area

Unloaded and walking to holding pens

Paperwork being completed

An earlier group of our cows we had taken to the sale barn came to greet the last load.

As Mel has taught the grandkids to say, "Those were sure enough good-looking cows!".  How we would have preferred not to sell them, but weather conditions, common sense and the cows' welfare are what we took into consideration for our decision.

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