Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Adventures to Teton Springs - Rapid City, South Dakota to the Cabin

Our hotel did not serve breakfast so we decided it would be a good time to get doughnuts, then go to the Borglum Museum and Crazy Horse Memorial before our trek to Casper, Wyoming.
The evening before we had seen the Cake Slice.  They advertised having pastries and doughnuts.  Mel and I decided that the next morning we would go get some, take them back to the hotel before we loaded up for the road and have them with coffee in the room.  Well, the Cake Slice was closed.  (The house behind the coin sign is the Cake Slice.)  

So Plan B - Black Hills Bagels sounded like a good choice and change of pace.  Since they had many kinds, we went back to the hotel to check with our other passengers and wanted them to select their own kind.  Great idea!  We went there, but after checking their prices, for what we would get, the idea was vetoed.

Plan C - go to Keystone which was on our way to Crazy Horse for a doughnut.  Margaret and I had seen one the evening before.  Off we go!  Mel drove up and down the streets a couple of times and never did we see the doughnut shop.  This would become another joke for us, "the doughnut shop that wasn't".

Downtown Keystone

Plan D - we found the Keystone House Family Restaurant and that's where we ate breakfast.

Margaret ordered decaffeinated coffee.  She waited and waited and finally the lady returned with a cup.  The waitress said she had to go across the street to get the coffee.  We believe that she really did since she was out of breath when she brought the coffee.

After breakfast we visited the Borglum Museum.  Borglum was the one who began the work on Mt. Rushmore and worked on it many years.  Unfortunately, he died before it was completed.  His son did finish it, but not to the extent that his dad really wanted it done.  More Presidents' faces was the intent.

Headsets were worn to tell us the story about each exhibit in the museum.  Borglum was a very smart and talented man.

Next stop on our agenda was Crazy Horse Monument.  It was done as a response to Mt. Rushmore.  This was the Indians way of honoring their chief, Crazy Horse, just like the 4 American Presidents were honored at Mt. Rushmore.

The greeter inside the Welcome Center explained that a bus would take us closer to the Crazy Horse Monument.  A short film explained the history behind and the work being done now and for the future.

Everyone ready for the film

The bus to take us closer to the monument

Ready to load

Our tour director and bus driver

Crazy Horse Monument

Margaret and I in front of Crazy Horse

Jerry on the bus

What a sight to see!  It is not nearly completed. The horse and the rest of Crazy Horse will be done in years to come.

This is what the completed statue will look like on the mountain.  Jerry, Margaret and I together.

The whole group

A chronicle of the work done

This depicts the measurements of the various parts of the monument

Mel gave us a history lesson 

The scenery along this "leg of the journey" was mostly vast grasslands.  Occasionally we would see a few cows.  Traffic was very light along this road.

We loaded up and drove many more miles.  Not much to see except land areas covered with sage brush.  We did come upon a "state of the art" rest stop in the middle of nowhere.  It used conservative water saving measures.

We stopped to eat in Lusk, Wyoming at  The Triangle 4 Cafe and Steakhouse.

We made contact with Donny about the next day's schedule when he would fly into Jackson, Wyoming and we would drive in.  We would meet him at the cabin in Teton Springs in Victor, Idaho.

Our destination for that day - Holiday Inn in Casper, Wyoming

Checking- In

Unloading for the evening

We drove many miles that day and were ready for a good night's sleep!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Adventures to Teton Springs - From Grand Island, Nebraska to Rapid City, South Dakota

We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express in Grand Island, Nebraska

Gathering for breakfast before our next leg of the trip - to Rapid City, South Dakota

Mel discussing road options with this truck driver

Choices, Choices, Choices!

Looks as though we made our choices

After a delicious filling breakfast we were ready to begin the next segment of our trip - Destination Rapid City, South Dakota.
Using OnStar we wanted to find Highway 2 for the scenic route from Nebraska to South Dakota.  They told us we needed to "refresh".  We pulled off on the side of the road and followed instructions given and sure enough, we were "refreshed"!  
OnStar was used numerous times for finding locations, roads, etc.  When we would stop for lunch, restroom breaks, etc. it would tell us we had "left the planned route".  A few times when we would push the button to use OnStar, we would get "all agents are busy at this time".  We begin to think the advisers were flipping coins to see which one would get us!  Another funny story for our trip!

A service station we stopped at in Dunning, Nebraska

The guys enjoyed visiting with the owner

They had several pottery items made from the sand in Nebraska

Along our route, we encountered a cattle drive.  The ranchers were taking the cattle from one pasture across the road to another pasture.  It was all Mel could do not to get out and help.  He did yell, 'Yaahaaa!' (Spell check does not recognize this name.  Only cattle people would!)

We were told this river that was parallel the highway was spring fed.

The landscape was beginning to change from grassland to more mountainous.

Time for a fill-up

This 1880 Town along I-90 seemed to be a good choice for lunch.

Time for a group picture

The restaurant was in a train.  Several cars served as the dining rooms.

The long hallway to where we ordered our food.

Where does the long hallway end???

Mel looking at the menu - the special of the day was taco salad with dessert which was strawberry crisp.  All of us had the salad except Mel who had a hamburger.

Time for Joe and Margaret to order

Jerry's turn

Waiting for our food

 South Dakota

Scenery in South Dakota

We stopped at the Tourist Center in South Dakota

All 5 of us

We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express in Rapid City, South Dakota - time to check-in.

We got to spin the wheel to see if we would receive a free dessert, appetizer, entree and free drink since Mel is a priority club member.
Mel spun and won a free appetizer.  The lady was gracious enough to give us a free dessert coupon too.

Jerry's turn - he received the same thing.

Now Joe's spin - he, too, received the same.

Forgetting the Swimming Suits
We had forgotten our swimming suits.  Since the hotels and cabin had hot tubs, we to purchase one.  I called Target and Walmart.  Neither had any suits because they were closing out for fall.  Next choice was to buy knit shorts to substitute for suits.  We went to Walmart and found the men's shorts easily.  Jerry got his and I got some for Mel.  Off to the women's section for my shorts.  Jerry and I both searched and searched.  The only knit shorts there were so short and definitely not what I had in mind.  Jerry suggested that I look in the men's section.  Great idea, Jerry!  I did find some that would work.

Our Freebies
The appetizer and dessert was our meal for the evening.

Dessert selections were pie, flaming flan and a few other choices.  The Sledds and Bradfords had apple pie a la mode.  Jerry decided to be brave and try the flaming flan.
The waitress cooked the butter, brown sugar and nuts together until they caramelized, then she added
rum.  It flamed up then cooked down.  She then put it over scoops of ice cream.

Of course, we all had to sample Jerry's dessert.  YUM!  Delicious!

Mel digging into our apple pie a la mode

Margaret and Joe enjoying their apple pie a la mode!

Mt. Rushmore
After our "meal" we headed to Mt. Rushmore.  We wanted to see the lighting ceremony that evening.
Park fee entrance was $11 per car and is good for one year - very reasonable.
What a program they have!  A park ranger talked, then we watched a short film which gave a short history of our country, why the 4 Presidents were chosen, patriotism, and other information, The National  Anthem was played and the culmination was the turning on of the lights for  Mt. Rushmore - so touching and gorgeous!  At the end, they had the veterans and current military personnel to come down on stage.  Each told his/her name, state and branch of service.  So neat that they honor the ones who have served and are now serving our country so we can enjoy the freedoms we have!

Walking to Mt. Rushmore

The flags of the states line the path to the amphitheater area

Joe, Margaret, Jerry and myself with flags and Mt. Rushmore in the background

A bust of the man who began and worked on Mt. Rushmore - Gutzon Borglum

Admiring Mt. Rushmore

Seated, waiting for the program to begin

The veterans and current service members on stage

The park ranger holding the microphone while Joe and Mel tell their name, home state, rank and branch of service

Our 2 veterans of whom we are very proud - Joe and Mel

Simply Beautiful!!!

Many were waiting for the elevator so we decided to get our exercise and walk up the stairs!  Needless to say it was a good work-out!
The program and lighting ceremony was so touching and definitely on the list that if possible all should see at least one time in their lives!

Back to the hotel for the night before our journey tomorrow.