Saturday, August 25, 2012

Grandkids on the Farm

Jett came to the farm for a couple of days,  then over the week-end  Emma and McKaylea visited us.  What fun and exciting times we have with them!

Jett taking his medicine that did not taste good.  He devised a system to hold his nose, drink a little of the medicine, have a drink of tea and then begin again. 

Jett is shooing the chicken to the pen.  I love the way the camera captured his move.  It looks like a special dance.

Time to play with the cats

You can just see the desire to find adventures and fun in this boy's face!
The Girls Visit
We met Bryan, Melodi and the kids at Davis so we could get the girls.  They were going to spend the week-end with us.  The boys were going with their parents to help load furniture.

We had a  special time we could spend with just them!
McKaylea and Emma are working on their embroidery projects.

McKaylea threading her needle.  She does a good job.

Emma learned how to make a "Lazy Daisy" stitch and a French Knot.

A Visit to See Grammy
They had painted a picture apiece so they gave them to Grammy.

We played card games.

They jumped rope.

Going to the Barn
The back of the pick-up is still the favorite place to ride!

At the barn
Emma with the egg basket

The girls are ready to get the chickens in the pen for the night.

Emma and Grandpop going into the pen

One hen was sitting on the nest.  Emma didn't know what to do. 

I told her she could just reach under the hen to get the eggs.  She did, but the hen pecked her.  Emma was not interested in getting the rest of the eggs.

Emma did hold the egg basket for me while I got the rest of the eggs.

McKaylea holding the egg basket

Our Helpers
The girls did a good job sweeping!

Our chickens enjoyed some left-over dessert.
Each had a turn helping drive the "Mule".  Grandpop thought since  Emma was 9 she was old enough, like the boys had been, to start using the pedals with the steering wheel (with Grandpop's assistance if necessary).
In a couple of years it will be McKaylea's turn.

McKaylea in Grandpop's lap

Emma on her own with Grandpop's assistance

The farm livens up when the grandkids visit.  We have so much fun with them!

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