Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Fun Trip to Texas

Our girls conspired together and planned a special birthday week-end for Mel and me in Texas.
We met Amberlea and Jett at Wynnewood so they could go with us.

For lunch we stopped at Elite Cafe in Waco and enjoyed a "made from scratch meal".

We arrived at the Woods' house.  How wonderful to see everyone!

The cousins talking and deciding what they wanted to do first.

Aunt Melodi had bought the kids suckers - a big hit!
Our Jacob looks so handsome and grown up with his new glasses.

Emma's birthday will be August 16th.  Grammy had sent her a birthday card.

Grandpop and I had taken our birthday gift to her.

Hard to believe that our beautiful sweet granddaughter will be 9 years old!

The decision to go to the pool was unanimous.  The Woods' neighborhood has one just a short walk from their house.
Sunscreen is a must!  Jett's concern - just don't spray it in my eyes!!

Even adults need the sunscreen

Amberlea enjoying the sun

Pool Fun


Time to dry off and walk home

Back at home the cousins enjoy playing together

The kids gave us a "snack basket" for our upcoming trip to Wyoming.
  It had food, drinks, movies, music, Wyoming puzzles, reading material, etc.
They are so creative!

I do believe that I am "excited" about the basket!

Bryan and his assistant, Mat, did such a fantastic job grilling for us.

For supper we had polish sausages, home-made chili and nachos.  Yum! Yum!

Our family thoroughly enjoys eating!

The next day we went to tour the post.  While there we visited the PX and the clothing store.
Lunch was at Chili's.

The reason for the visit to the clothing store was that Mel wanted a pair of Airborne wings since he had been a paratrooper when he was in the Army.  He also found this hat.

The afternoon we enjoyed being at home in the cool.  Jett and McKaylea were playing with some rings outside.  Somehow 2 of them became stuck in the tree.  They came to sit on the patio and we observed them and their conversation.  McKaylea told Jett, "I take responsibility for the rings being in the tree." 
Emma so graciously volunteered to get them down using a broom.  On the ground she was not tall enough.

She reasoned that if she climbed the tree she could get them.  Jett is handing the broom to her.

Sure enough - mission accomplished!  She got them down.

Jacob had football camp that week and this was his first day - a hot and tired boy.

Time for a catnap before dinner

Mat getting ready to practice with his BB gun

Outside play time
Jake has rested and ready to play.

The girls had planned our birthday meal of filet mignon wrapped with bacon, potatoes, salad, fruit kabobs, home-made ice cream and "knock you naked brownies"(a Pioneer Woman's recipe).  The meal was better than any you could get in a restaurant!
The girls preparing the fruit kabobs 

Mel reading the book, Army Wives.   We both are "hooked" on the TV show.
The book provided some background for the TV show.

Our chef, once again grilling for us

Double checking info

The delicious steaks

After our meal the Woods children performed their chores.  Wow!  What a great job they did cleaning!

A loving, thoughtful, caring and of course, good-looking group.
Mel and I are so proud of them all!! 

A "silly" picture of the group

Mel and I enjoying our ice cream and brownies - talk about delicious!!!

Early the next morning it was time for us to head home. 
Breakfast was at Grandy's.

We shared many fun times together and made many memories once again. 
                                    How our kids and grand kids spoiled us for our birthdays!
                                   Thank you for such a wonderful time and delicious meals!

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