Saturday, August 18, 2012

Those Darn Chicks

Since we had bought 6 young chicks and still had 3 older hens, Mel had enlarged the chicken pen.  All was well until a few of the chicks started  getting out.  He was not sure how so one day he decided just to sit and observe while enjoying a cup of coffee (and the company of a cat).   He waited, nothing happened.  He decided to go into the barn and start doing some work.  Lo and behold a few minutes later 3 chicks came strolling into the barn.  He added more wire at the top to discourage them.  Finally, after a couple of additions of wire, maybe, just maybe they will stay in the pen. 

Out of the mouths of little ones comes wisdom - Jett was here and went to the barn with us.  When we drove up he saw the additions of wire.  Jett said, "Wow! Grandpop that's a lot of wire!  I would have just put a roof on the pen."  What a good laugh we had!

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