Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Time to Go Home

Time came for the boys to go home.  We met Melodi and the girls in Hamilton, Texas.

For breakfast we stopped at Subway for a breakfast sandwich.

Mel and I had taken a scenic route off of interstate.  I had make notes on our map.
The boys checked out how we were going.  

El Jardin, a Mexican restaurant in Hamilton, Texas.  
We had lunch here with Melodi and the girls.

What a fun time we had with the boys on the farm!
The girls' turn will be in August.

Visiting Grammy

Grammy with the boys


The boys and I enjoyed playing Rummikub.

Sports Memories

Mel told the boys about his baseball and basketball experiences.  He had clippings from the newspaper covering Legion ball as well as about the "double champs" in 1968.

Later he pitched for the boys.

They seemed to think Grandpop still had the ability for sports!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fruits of the Garden

It's that time of the year when delicious vegetables and fruits ripen in the garden.
Earlier Mat had helped Shelton pull onions and load buckets of onions in his pick-up.  After getting all the onions pulled at the annex, Shelton left us 3 buckets of onions by the front gate.  He wanted Mat to be sure and take some home after helping him.
Home-made onion rings were a part of our next meal..

Our Old Plum Tree
This plum tree has been on the place for many years.  This year it is loaded with plums which is fantastic after a couple of years of having just a few.  Time for home-made plum jelly!!  Yum! Yum!

Ripened Plums

Burning Brush

Grandpop had a pile of brush he wanted to get burned.  The boys were good helpers to get this task accomplished.

One Farm Boys Goes Home

It was time for Jett to go home.  We met Mitch at Norman then had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
Whenever the boys have been here, that was our tradition.  We could not break it now!

A funny story:  A discussion about shopping was going on.  The topic of "needs and wants" came up.  Jett said going home was not a want, but he guessed it would have to be a need since he had sports camp the following day.
Jett expressing how he felt about going home

R and R on the Farm

When not working the boys played baseball, cowboys, read and did painting. 

Chocolate malts were requested quite often!

Mathew's beautiful picture he painted

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jett and the Kildee Birds

One afternoon while Jake and Mat were brush-hogging, Jett and I came to the house to do yard work here.  While I was mowing, the parents and 4 baby Kildee birds were close to where I had mowed.  I showed the baby birds to Jett.  He carefully caught one of the babies.  Talk about upset parents!!   One was pretending to be hurt to distract Jett.  All were happy when he gently released the baby.

Putting Tractor Driving Lessons to Use

Jacob and Mathew had practiced driving the tractor so now it was time to put the lessons to use.  Brush-hogging at the Annex was on the list.  Grandpop did have the boys practice by the old barn close to the house for a "trial run".  Both did great!  So off to the Annex to work!
Since Mat and Jake took turns in the tractor, the other would find things to do while waiting.  Corral repair, helping Shelton with onions and cutting cedars was the alternative.

While waiting for Grandpop to get the tractor around for Jake to brush-hog, Jake found this huge mushroom in the pasture from all the rain we have enjoyed.

Shelton was pulling onions so Mat helped him while Jake brush-hogged.

Jake brush-hogging

Grandpop and Mat checking out where repairs were needed in the corral. 
Grandpop is keeping an eye on Jacob to make sure all is going well.

Mat's turn

Good helpers!