Friday, June 7, 2013


Since it was raining, Mel and the boys went with me to town to do errands.  The main purpose was groceries.  With two growing boys they need their nourishment.

Our first stop was the feed store.  The boys needed straw hats and Jake had outgrown his work boots.

Jake with his new work boots and hat.  He said,  "It's just like Christmas all over again with my new hat and boots!"

Our groceries were loaded in the back of the car.  When Grandpop was backing out from the parking spot, he asked if anything was behind us.  Jake replied, "Yes."  Grandpop stopped quickly thinking it was a car and asked,  "What?" Jake answered that we had the groceries behind us!  The joke became that Grandpop almost ran over a "pork chop".

Mat's boots still fit him so he bought a fishing rod and reel at the store.

Mat unloaded the horse feed

Mel found a used saddle so there would be enough for him and the 2 boy.  Jake unloaded the saddle.

Rosebud received her worm medicine

Later, we went to visit with Grammy.

After a long tiring day!
What help the boys are with various things.  They are good about just doing it without having to be asked.  We are so proud of these boys!

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