Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Putting Tractor Driving Lessons to Use

Jacob and Mathew had practiced driving the tractor so now it was time to put the lessons to use.  Brush-hogging at the Annex was on the list.  Grandpop did have the boys practice by the old barn close to the house for a "trial run".  Both did great!  So off to the Annex to work!
Since Mat and Jake took turns in the tractor, the other would find things to do while waiting.  Corral repair, helping Shelton with onions and cutting cedars was the alternative.

While waiting for Grandpop to get the tractor around for Jake to brush-hog, Jake found this huge mushroom in the pasture from all the rain we have enjoyed.

Shelton was pulling onions so Mat helped him while Jake brush-hogged.

Jake brush-hogging

Grandpop and Mat checking out where repairs were needed in the corral. 
Grandpop is keeping an eye on Jacob to make sure all is going well.

Mat's turn

Good helpers!  

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