Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July

How truly blessed we are to live in a country where we can enjoy our freedom!  So many times we take for granted these freedoms and especially the price that has been paid throughout our country's history.  The price is still being paid today by our brave military service men and women.  
We are so proud of our son-in-law, Bryan, who is serving his country in this fashion!  Many sacrifices have been made by his family and himself in order to defend our country.  A big "Thank You" to him and his family!!!
Our symbol of freedom

 Fourth of July means grilled hot dogs with all the trimmings!

Home-made ice cream is another staple for the Fourth.  This year I tried something new - apple pie a la mode ice cream.  I used the packet of mix, froze the ingredients in our ice cream freezer and then folded in apple pie filling (spiced a little with apple pie spice).  The verdict:  DELICIOUS!  
I had gotten this idea from last year when we visited Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  I had this flavor at an ice cream shop there.

We need to thank God everyday for our blessed life here in the USA and the brave men and women willing to sacrifice so much for us!  My prayer is that God will richly bless these service men and women and their families!!!

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