Thursday, June 30, 2011

The City Boy Comes to the Farm

We were glad that Amberlea and Jett came to the farm for a country visit.  Amberlea spent the night but had to go home the next day because she worked that night.  Jett spent a few days on the farm with us.  As always there are plenty of things to do.  It was time to ride Trinket - Grammy came up for a visit so she was able to see our cowboy ride.  We loaded up in the "mule" for a ride to the barn.

                                                                The Cowboy Rides

Work comes along with the fun  -  unsaddling the horse.  Jett is carrying the horse's blanket to the barn.

Next, Jett had to show Grammy and his Mom Ft McHenry - the fun place for all the kids.

The back of the "mule" provided more room for Jett.  He used an upside down bucket for his seat.

Jett's quote was, "I always have fun on the farm and especially since new farm family members - the kittens and the chickens have been added!" 

One kitten looks as though he has a mask on his face so we named him Bandit.  He is very loving and sweet natured.  He allowed Jett to carry him around.

Jett and Bandit are looking at the chickens.  I'm sure the chickens were a little "uneasy" with a cat directly in front of their coop.  Thank goodness for wire to separate them.

 Jet told us, "We have a new sheriff in town".  Grandpop and I were well protected while this sheriff was here.

The sheriff is practicing twirling his rifle.

                                             Practicing for a wild bronco is a good idea.

A very helpful boy getting the Sunday paper with a strong wind blowing - instead of driving through the gate, Jett climbed over the fence to get the paper.

                                                     Those ad inserts can be a problem!

                                          Mission accomplished - ad inserts, paper and all

Because of the hot afternoons crafts, a game of Uno and the Slip 'n'  Slide helped to have fun and stay cool.

One way to get the cards out of the box - pull the cards out and let them fall to the floor.

You have to be "on guard" when you play with the card shark!

Water is a way to have fun as well as stay cool.

                                                                        The Movies
Grandpop, Jett and I went to see the movie, Cars 2.  What can be better than popcorn, coke and time spent together!

Since it was so hot barn time was early in the mornings and late evenings .

 The sheriff had to leave town for a few days so he "laid down his guns".  They are ready and waiting for his return!
                           Nothing like farm time for memories, time spent together and fun !

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