Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Week-end in Kansas with the Kids

Mel and I were going to Kansas for a very special reason.  Emma was going to be baptized.
The week leading up to Friday Mel and I took care of things on the farm.  It's easier now with plenty of green grass, abundance of rain and nice weather.  The cows were set.   Friday, the kittens were locked in the barn with Mama Kitty and plenty of food and water since they are still small.  The chickens were put in the garage for the week-end.  Their pen and coop were moved into the garage and we put cedar shavings down on top of plastic and cardboard.  With plenty of food and water they were "all fixed up".
Note how these "girls" have grown!

 Heavy thunderstorms were in Oklahoma and some were headed our direction.  Mel decided we needed to get on the road and maybe we could beat the worst of them.  Sure enough my smart hubby was correct and we missed the very heavy hard rain. 

In OKC we stopped to pick-up Amberlea and Jett.  Am had worked Thursday night.  The car was loaded with their things and we were off to Kansas!
With snacks and activities for Jett we made our way north.  Amberlea was able to sleep for a while during the trip.
Amberlea asleep in the back
 Jett getting ready to do activities
The completed picture
I had gotten the tile activity kit at Hobby Lobby since the grandkids love to do them.  Unknowingly but what luck, the set I bought was magnetic so the tiles would stay on the board, great for the car, and the picture guide could be used again and again.  Jett really enjoyed doing them.  He did the clown fish picture.
After working, it was time for a snack of Oreo sticks and cream and chocolate milk.

After driving for a while we decided it was time for lunch, gas and a potty break.  McDonald's in Kansas was the stop.
Amberlea told Jett how when she was a little girl and we would travel, Grandpop was known for not stopping unless absolute necessary.  (Really not quite that bad, but it sure encouraged Jett to finish his meal more quickly.)  She told him he was lucky that Grandpop did not just go through the drive-thru, but actually went in to eat. 
Toward the end of the 7 hour trip Jett asked, " Are we were there yet?"  Quite a common question for little ones it seems.  Then, he told Grandpop he thought we were going in circles since he had seen the same "pointy building" several times.  The "pointy building" he was referring to is used in Kansas to store their sand or dirt for use on the roads. There are several of them along I-35.  We had a good laugh with that one.
The "pointy building"
Finally, as Jett would say, we arrived at the Woods' house.  Time to unload, for the kids to play and adults to visit.

Later in the afternoon the "guys" decided they would go to the Kansas City Royals' baseball game vs. St. Louis Cardinals (an inner-league game).  The "girls" and Jett went downtown Leavenworth to shop.  Melodi has told us about the jewelry store, Artistic Works by Lu, where her friend worked.  We were anxious to check it out.  You can purchase a necklace already made or make your own.  We decided to make our own.  It was quite overwhelming at first with so many choices of chains and then choosing the emblishments you want to put on your necklace but we started our necklaces.  Time was also a factor since they close at 5:00 p.m. and we arrived there about 4:15.  With each other's help and advice we accomplished the task.  What a fun place to shop!

Ready to shop

Amberlea making her selections
 Melodi and Emma trying to decide
Melodi's friend adding Emma's emblishments on her necklace.
 Amberlea and I with the "flashy" rings                                                     
We are playing "I Spy" while waiting for everyone to finish
My necklace
 The emblishments I chose
I purchased a ring that allows me to wear my necklace long or I can use the ring and make it double.  Pretty neat!

Amberlea and I took Jett and McKaylea outside to play while Melodi and Emma finished their necklaces.
After shopping we were ready to go home.  The kids played outside with water guns and caught an unsuspecting frog. 
Checking out the frog
Emma and the frog
The "guys" saw a good ballgame and fantastic fireworks after the game.  The Royals beat the Cardinals. 
Saturday, we enjoyed coffee together and even were entertained by puppets.  Everyone needs to enjoy that with their coffee!

Mel, Amberlea, Jett and I headed to Kansas City to look around.  Melodi, Bryan and the kids would meet us for lunch after her book club meeting. 

We went to Country Club Plaza first.  After enjoying a snack at Panera Bread we walked around until the stores opened.  A heart walk fundraiser was going on so we had to "dodge" the runners. 
Kansas City has several beautiful fountains.  Jett had fun throwing pennies in each one. 
The fountain at the park
 Mel enjoying the park
Am and Jett
Mel took a picture of me while I was taking a picture of Am and Jett

Close to lunch time we drove to Crown Plaza.  We had planned to eat lunch at Fritz's.  Since we had a few minutes before meeting Bryan, Melodi and the kids we shopped. 

Amberlea checking out the store directory
Jett's choice   - the Crayola Store

Grandpop had bought a book at Barnes & Noble and Jett had his crayons and drawing pad.  They are "camping out" together while Amberlea and I shop.

Fritz's is a unique place to eat.  You order your food on the phone, then it is delivered by a train.  We enjoyed the hamburgers and fries we had there.
Waiting for our table

 The menu
Trying to decide what we will order
Our order on a napkin

Melodi ordering our food
The kids wearing their train hats

After eating the kids went outside to play in the water.  What a great fun way to enjoy the water.

Our 5 Blessings

Time to go home.  For our supper we had Minsksy's Pizza.  The Woods had told us how good the cheeseburger pizza was.  We definitely agree!

Everyone enjoyed just being around the house and relaxed.  Later in the evening storm developed and watches and warnings were given.  After the sirens began blowing continuously we moved to the lower level in the Woods house.  Fortunately, just rain and wind were all that we had.  However, Reading, Kansas was not so fortunate and had damage from a tornado.  We also heard on National news that a tornado was spotted near Ada, OK.  I called family to check and no damage was done from that one and it had not been close to Roff.

Mel with his pillows and book ready to settle in to read

Everyone busy while "waiting out the storm"
Melodi reading to the kids - Notice in her lap is their little dog, Daisy

The next morning we enjoyed strawberry walnut pancakes prepared by Bryan.  Delicious!!

How thrilled and blessed to be able to witness Emma being baptized.

Afterwards it was time for the Oklahomans to head home.  What a blessed and fun time we had with the Woods' Family.  Thank you!

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