Monday, June 20, 2011

The Unwanted Creature!

There is no picture to go with this post.  You will understand the reason why:  I had walked outside barefooted on our patio with a cup of coffee and was leaving a message on Mel's cell phone about the hay.  A bird seemed to be acting a little strangely so I walked to the edge of the patio and low and behold a snake about 2 1/2 - 3 ft. long was along the area where the patio side meets the grass.  He slowly moved to the east end of the patio toward my flowerbed and was halfway around the corner (part of him in my flowerbed and the other half by the patio wall.  I poured some of my coffee into the flowerbed and WHOA that snake slithered quickly up on the patio.  Obviously I hurried to the garage door since I was barefooted and it  WAS a snake!  Taking a picture was the last thing on my mind.  In the garage I decided to put on Mel's cowboy boots for protection and looked for a weapon for defense.  After finding a small hoe I cautiously opened to the garage door to the patio and scanned for that snake.  No where to be found  - THANK GOODNESS!! I suppose he had been as startled at me as I was at him.   Now we do look before heading out on the patio.
During the message about the hay in a rather stressed voice I told Mel, There IS a snake on our patio and that you have a job to do when you return home!!
Our next trip to town we will definitely purchase some snake repellant and I think move a barn cat to the house!!
Now understand why there is no picture?

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