Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fun Days on the Farm with the Woods' Family

The Woods' Family spent several days on the farm.  We are always glad when time can be spent together (especially making up for the years in Germany).  Never are there dull moments with kids, animals, and farm activities.  Brush burning, gardening, fishing,  playing in the water, the animals and coffee on the patio were times we enjoyed.
The week began with burning brush on the Woods' place.  With the Oklahoma wind you take advantage of it whenever possible.  Mel, Bryan and the boys were able to burn several piles.  There will be more brush burning days to come to burn more piles.
The brush hogging and burning brush must have stirred up the creatures.  Mosquitoes were terrible and Matt managed to step on a snake.  I think each was scared and ran off in opposite directions (thank goodness).
Melodi, the girls and I took sandwiches over and we had a picnic in the pasture. 

I just love Mat and his "one of a kind" hat!

Bryan and the boys went fishing.  Mat and Jake had tried to find worms by digging in the old pond.  There were none there.  So worms were bought for fishing.   Unfortunately the fish were not biting.

While the guys were fishing, the girls did a craft.

It's that time of the year for garden veggies - new potatoes, onions, squash, snow peas, cabbage - Yum!!  Most of our meals had these vegetables on the menu. 
Homemade onion rings were made using the freshly pulled onions.  The recipe is so easy and delicious. 
Homemade Onion Rings
3/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 Tablespoons oil
2 - 3 drops Tabasco Sauce
1 egg
2 onions, peeled and sliced
Mix all the ingredients except onions.  Add onions to coat and then fry.

The cook took one day off and we had pizza. 

Everyone  seemed to enjoy "home cooking" with fresh vegetables and various desserts!
Seems as though the weather goes to extremes when the kids are here.  In January it was very cold with "below normal temps" and then in June we are having "above normal temps".  Early mornings were spent in the garden, at the barn or playing outside.  In late evenings the kids played in the water and in the sand.

The Ada Evening News was sponsoring a contest that had questions about various locations in and around Ada.  A winner was drawn daily for a $25 gift certificate and then tone of these winners would be eligible to win $500 at the end of the contest.  Mat and Jake decided to enter.  They looked up the answers to the questions on the Internet and then e-mailed their answers to the paper.  Unfortunately, they did not win.  They learned things about Wintersmith Park and the surrounding area even though they did not win.

Tending to the chickens was a morning and evening affair.  In the coop they would go at night, then early the next morning they were put out to roam.  Emma became quite a "chicken helper". 

Our  Grammy "Waving her Cane with her Bonnet on Top of It!
Grammy decided she needed to walk.  The first morning she began, she forgot her cell phone.  She did have her cane (which was her Dad's cane) and bonnet.  She parked at the mailbox and visited with Mel and the boys before she began her walk.  She told them if she needed any assistance, she would wave her cane.  Off she went on her walk.  We began eating breakfast and watched her in front of the house.  Down the hill in front of the "50 acres" Grammy thought she was so tired she could not make it up the hill so she began waving her cane with her bonnet on top of the cane.  (We could not see her down in the low place.)  She attracted attention of drivers on the turnpike and they began to slow down and almost stop.  Embarrassed by  the attention, she made up her mind that she WOULD make it up the hill.  Needless to say she did not forget her cell phone the other times she walked.

Early mornings coffee on the patio was enjoyed by all.  The cool temps and peaceful start to a day with our cup of coffee was great.  Julia joined us as well as Grammy after her walk.

Even with company gardening must go on if we are to have veggies during the summer (which all family members enjoy eating).  Jacob, Emma and McKaylea became "gardeners" by helping to pull weeds, pull onions, pick cabbage and plant crowder peas.
Pulling weeds

Pulling onions

Picking the cabbage

                                         Adding soil amendments before planting peas

                                                     Planting tomatoes and peppers
I had more tomato and pepper plants that needed to go in the garden.  The girls helped me (along with Boots, our cat).
The girls loaded in the "Mama Gator" ready for the garden

Boots decided he needed a drink of water from the bucket of water we had for planting the peppers and tomatoes.  The barn cats have water out all the time, however, it just doesn't taste the same as out of the bucket.

The girls just can't go to the barn without finding the cats and playing with them.  ( Melodi and I are just as bad especially since we have kittens.)  Naturally the cats enjoy the extra attention!

There are 4 months age difference in Melodi and her cousin, Jeff.  They had many good times playing together when they were small.  Jeff and Jerry came over for hot dogs and to visit.
Just a few years ago (it seems like)
Then now

Could this be a good stress relief activity???  The girls were able to entice Jeff to help make a potholder on the loom.

The boys played many hours of throwing and hitting the baseball.  The girls entertained themselves by searching for bugs for the bug habitat (that has an open place in it - so it does NOT make it into the house!).

Jacob made 3 chicken nest boxes for me.  I think one box started out as a birdhouse for McKaylea, but never materialized.  They will be great filled with hay for the eggs the chickens will lay.

Of course a visit to the farm is not complete until you ride the horses.  Due to the heat, we did change our routine from afternoon to early morning. 

The kids are learning about horses and riding in their Horse Camp in Kansas.  Here the girls are helping Grandpop unsaddle Trinket. 

Could this explain why 2 little girls have their Grandpop "Wrapped around their little fingers"?

With farm critters, grand kids, adults and wide open spaces we never have a "dull moment".  What memories are made with everyone together and many fun times are shared by all!

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