Friday, September 23, 2011

The Farm Animals

Our farm animals are quite interesting.
Our rooster has really grown and is quite beautiful, or should I say handsome to "cater to the male side".

Our chicken named Eagle stood in the middle of the automatic waterer that Mel made.  Could it be for a drip shower or just to cool off???

One of the red chickens habitually gets out of the pen.  Mel puts her back in the pen of a morning and in the evenings we have to put her in again.  Thank goodness our cats just ignore when she gets out!
There is the saying? "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."  Maybe in this instance "the insects are better on the other side of the fence" is appropriate for her.

One of the red hens on the nest

This is the one we call "Blackie"

Rosebud, the horse, is usually waiting in her stall in the evenings when we go to "shut-up" the chickens in the coop.  She is patiently waiting for her food and neighs when we drive up.

Our black and white cat had 4 kittens this past week.  2 are black, 1 white, and 1white with black spots around its head and a black tail.  She had them in the box that we had prepared for Mama Kitty which was on the shelf in the cabinet.

Our 2 garage cats enjoy playing on the decorative stove we have on the front porch.  They provide a lot of entertainment.
Each animal has its own personality and if time is taken, each one is quite interesting to observe.

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