Friday, September 16, 2011

Being A Cowgirl for 2 Days

After selling some of our cows, Mel decided to move the cows from the Annex to the farm.  By doing that it would give the grass at the Annex a chance to "come back".  Also, these cows 
will start calving in October and it will be easier to monitor them.
Here  are the cows we moved.  They are ready to eat hay and check out things at this location.
The next day we loaded 3 yearling heifers that were at the house, took them to the vet for their vaccinations, and then moved them to the Annex to join 4 young heifers we had there.  By being at the Annex they can get plenty to eat without the older cows crowding them away from the feed troughs and hay bunk.
Mel has his bucket of cubes for the heifers.

The 3 we moved are inside the pen waiting to eat cubes Mel put in the trough and the 4 that were already at the Annex are "on the outside looking in". 

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