Friday, September 2, 2011

Fresh Water for the Chickens

Well, I have to brag that my creative hubby has been at it again.  From Grammy's old pressure tank, he came up with a "drip waterer" for the chickens so they can have fresher (if there is such a word, but on the farm it does describe better) water during the hot days.  Fantastic idea!!

He fills the top of the old tank with fresh water then at the bottom he devised a way that the water will slowly drip into the pan underneath it.  Lucky chickens - they don't have to drink water that has been sitting out.

Stay tuned because we came home with  a washing machine agitator a couple of days ago.  He is already thinking about what to do with it.  I inquired about his idea.  Maybe it will become a sectional feeder for the chicks - one section for corn, another for chicken feed and another for crushed oyster shells.
So we shall see.

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