Thursday, September 29, 2011

Meet Freckles!

Meet Freckles, our new horse.  When you look at her coat, you can see all the red specks with the gray background.  She did not officially have a name so Freckles seemed a good choice.

 You can see why Freckles seemed appropriate for her.

We exchanged Trinket for Freckles.
Trinket had an issue of not wanting to be by herself.  If she couldn't see our other horse, Rosebud, she would run like a wild creature around the pasture.  Mel was concerned that she would try to go over a gate or through a fence and hurt herself.  Also, we did not feel comfortable with the grandkids on Trinket.  After talking to Phyllis at Greener Pastures, the horse rescue facility, all agreed it would be better for us to trade horses. 
Freckles is so sweet natured.  After getting her home Mel and I both rode her.  She handles very well and is great for an amateur like myself and for the grandkids.

I'm saying, "Whoa" here (in the barn on my terms, not hers).

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