Friday, September 16, 2011

Our Scared Black Kitten

Mama Kitty moved the 2 white kittens to the blue barn.  The black kitten was still at the old hay barn.  I commented to Mel, "I couldn't understand why Mama Kitty did not move the black one".  He informed me that Mama Kitty and the black kitten were headed to the blue barn from the hay barn when he started hammering on the corral.  It scared the kitten and it ran back to the hay barn.  I think this happened a couple of times.  That explains why it was by itself in the hay barn.  I took it to the blue barn to be with the others. 

One of our 2 white kittens that has now moved to Grammy's
Grammy decided she wanted a cat in the house so she took our 2 white kittens to have.  She thought the two would be better satisfied together.  Being in the house lasted 2 days with her.  She now has them in the brown barn.

The black kitten eating out of the big cats feeder - he thinks he is "big stuff now"

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