Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Week-end with the Woods Family

What a fun week-end we had with Bryan, Melodi and the kids!  At least the weather was very nice the latter  part of the week-end.  It seems as though in the times past Mother Nature decided to have "extreme weather" while they were here.
After arriving Friday evening, we enjoyed fruit pizza before bedtime.  I think it must have been good since there were no left-overs.
Saturday morning we had apple turnovers and bacon for breakfast, a lighter breakfast, since  we were going to Grammy's for hot dogs and "the works".
Jacob helped me do the turnovers.  I sure have good helpers when the kids are here!

Melodi made a delicious Cucumber and Dill Dip!  Mathew placed the crackers and pretzels around the dip bowl in a very artistic and strategic pattern. 
Time to load up so the consensus was the back of the pick-up for the ride to Grammy's.  Grandpop drove down what was the old country road that is now part of the right-of-way of the turnpike.

  Everyone had a good time visiting and definitely had plenty to eat.

We loaded up to go home.  Everyone was ready to rest after getting full and the afternoon was hot.

The girls embroidered and then the boys decided they would like to try it.  I ironed off a couple of barn patterns for Jake and Mat.  They really enjoyed it and did a great job!
Jake finished his barn so he will decide what to do with it - a pillow or frame it???

The kids found a turtle and that provided entertainment for them.

Later in the evening it was time to go to the barn! The statement the kids love to hear!  One of the kids' favorite thing to do.

This picture of Melodi getting help to get on the hay for the picture is a little blurry.  Could it be because I (the picture taker) was laughing????
As the previous picture shows she made it safe and sound on the bale!
Sunday was  the day for the barn with the much cooler weather.  It was rather windy but that was better than the heat.   The activities included swinging, checking out the cats and kittens, climbing on hay bales and building.

Think Jake was asking for something or suggesting something by the expressions on their faces ?????

Watching the kids and visiting is always nice!    

Mathew was showing his creation to his parents.  Bryan and Melodi were on guard as he moved it around to avoid being "bonked" in the head.

Our solid black kitten in the old hay barn

After playing on the hay again, McKaylea came in to "empty her boots".  She had plenty of hay in them.

McKaylea lost a tooth so the Tooth Fairy made a visit to the farm.  Right now McKaylea has lost 3 front teeth on the top - quite a gap but so cute.

The lost teeth definitely did not interfere with her licking the icing spoon.

How we enjoy when the kids and grandkids come to visit!

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