Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jett Is On the Farm

Jett came to the farm so it was time for hours of fun and activity plus we did schoolwork in between our fun times.  Some of the things he did:
The swing - Jett found a way to stand on the ledge, get in the swing and then take off.

Playing with the cats - Jett sure likes cats.  His favorite is Bandit which allows Jett to hold him in any form or fashion.
 Jett with Midnight

Riding horses bareback

 I love this picture with Jett's hand on Grandpop's shoulder!

Petting the horses


"Man talk" while walking out to check the cows

Gathering Eggs

Jett is trying to show-off the egg but Boots, the cat, is getting his loving rub against
Jett's leg.

Latching up the door where the nests are

Corralling the  chicken that was "out of the pen"


On the hay

Visiting with Grandpop at the barn
The comfy chair that swivels all the way around - fun for kids and adults!

Using the "snitcher - snatcher" as Jett called them
Somehow Jett's hat ended up under the trailer ( I think he was trying to get Boots, the cat, out from under the trailer and throwing the hat at him would cause Boots to come out.).  The "snitcher - snatcher" was just what he needed to retrieve his hat.

A big milestone - training wheels come off Jett's bike!

Schoolwork - Grandmom becomes a teacher again!


Bandit, the cat, is right in the  midst of Jett's painting.

Adding designing touches to Grandmom's flowerbed
Jett has his  "treasure rocks" that he has gathered.  He decided to add a design to the edge of my flowerbed.

Building with Lego's

A dragonfly on a flower - pretty creative!

Grammy Visits
After going to the Senior Citizens' Center Grammy stopped to visit.  She had some goodies for Jett - card puzzles, word game cards, candy and a notebook with a pen.  The notebook became Jett's "Secret Spy Book"!!

 Jett is writing in his "Secret Spy Book"

Jett commented that 4 days on the farm was not long enough -  a week was better; however, he was glad to see his Mom when we met in Norman. 
A fun 4 days with Jett!!!

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