Monday, December 12, 2011

The Chickens' Indoor Pen

Mel's lastest project was an "indoor chicken pen".   During bad weather, he thought it would be nice for us as well as the chickens to be inside the barn.  He completed the pen the first part of this week and the chickens seem to enjoy it.  During the day, he opens the door to the pen and they go outside and scratch around.  When time to put them up, I just "round then up and walk slowly behind them and they go right into the pen.

A Close-up of the "Feeding Shoot"

The way to water the chickens without having to bend
Mel believes in labor-saving devices!!

The ladder for the chickens from the floor to their roost

Eagle, one of the chickens, presented a challenge for Mel.  She was determined to fly out of the pen.  In a later post the story can be read.

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