Monday, December 12, 2011

The Christmas Program

All 4 of the Bryan and Melodi's kids were in the Christmas program at their church.  Mel and I made the trip to Kansas to see it.
We went to the Woods' house, visited and enjoyed ice cream sundaes before the program.  Their furniture and things (except for the bare necessities) had already been packed for their next assignment.  We had comfortable "floor and lawn chair seating."
It was reminiscent of when Jacob was born in Alaska.  Amberlea and I went to stay for a week.  Jacob was the only one with a bed.  We still talk about the fun and memories we had that week and how many games of Skipbo we played when we were not spoiling Jacob or watching his expressions.
Mel enjoying a hamburger on our way there
At the Woods' home

A good time visiting!

Jacob - quickly becoming a young man!  I love the hat on this handome guy!!

McKaylea - don't you just love the darling expression!  Do you wonder what might be coming  next from this cute girl???

Melodi and the girls
Emma - growing up too quickly!  Becoming a beautiful young lady!

Mathew -  a good-looking young man!

Lansing Baptist Church

The stage for the play

Melodi and the other leaders of the "Cubbies"  - the 2 and 3 year olds.

Emma and McKaylea in the choir

Jacob in his acting role

Mathew as a Wise Man

Emma as an Angel

The kids did a fantastic job in their roles!!!
A Christmas Get-Together was after the program.  Mel and I left to go to Holiday Inn where we were staying that night since there were no beds at the Woods' house.
Bryan told us about a Mexican restaurant by the hotel so we decided to have an appetizer there.  It was delicious!

A memorable time for us in Kansas!  It's always good to see the kids and grandkids. 

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