Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Our immediate family got together the Eve of Christmas Eve to have fun together and do stockings.  Since our trip in January to The Great Wolf Lodge is our Christmas, we just do stockings at Christmas.  The girls and their families arrived and we just enjoyed a good time of being together. 
Of course, food is always a big part of our get-together.  We had Elliott Nachos, ball park style nachos and a delicious cheese dip that Amberlea prepared.  Dessert would be devoured later.

The girls in the kitchen visiting and preparing nachos

The guys visiting and waiting for the food
After eating Santa Mel made an appearance.  His "Ho Ho Ho" got the grandkids attention!  The grandkids were thrilled!

Santa Mel had done his own shopping so everyone was eagerly awaiting what he would pull out of his Santa sack.
One of Grandpop's embellished stories

The girls and guys enjoyed the fun and the kids' reactions to Santa Mel

Emma and McKaylea received a "Magic 8 Ball".  You are to ask it a question and it gives you an answer.  Also each received a birdhouse that they can paint.
Mathew, Jacob and Jett received camouflage hats and a pocket knife.
Jett was so proud to be included with the "big boys" in getting the knife!

Proud Grandpop and Grandmom with their 5 special blessings

After Santa Mel the kids opened their stockings.


Even the "big kids" had stockings!

After retiring his Santa hat until its return next year, Mel opened his gifts.

After stockings and gifts, it was time for chocolate cheesecake fondue - Yum! Yum!

Kids are playing, guys are watching TV, the girls have time to "catch-up".

Christmas - the time to be with family, enjoy the love we have for each other and for those special memories and fun times.
Most of all, we remember the birth of  Jesus.  God showed us His love for us by sending His Son, our Saviour - the reason for the season.

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