Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Meeting of the Wills"

Mel and our chicken, Eagle, had a "meeting of the wills".  The chicken was to stay in the indoor pen, however, she had other ideas.  Mel had put a top on about 1/3 of the 6 foot tall pen thinking she would not be able to fly up that high.  Well, guess what!   She did!!  Mel then added another 1/3 over the top to have it covered about 2/3 of the way.  Yesterday when Eagle was put in the pen, she looked up and around several times as though checking things out.  This morning she accomplished her goal of flying out of the pen.  Mel then covered the remaining 1/3 of the pen.  Now there is no way she can fly out of the pen.
She would fly out of the outdoor chicken pen and then fly back in if she choose.  If she was out when time to put the chickens up, I would just open the gate and she would stroll right in.  Quite a chicken!
The grandkids named her Eagle since she was gray and looked like one.  By her flying out of the pens - outside and inside, she lives up to her name.

Mel and the Chickens in the Indoor Chicken Pen

The Cover Added

The Covered Indoor Chicken Pen

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