Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Almanac's Prediction

The Ada Evening News ran an article about The Old Farmer's Almanac prediction for 2013.  It is predicting a "cold and snowy winter".  How we hope it is correct!

Since the Almanac claims that its predictions have been more than 80 percent correct, we hope this winter is in the 80 % category.  After 2 drought summers and a warm winter last year, we are more than ready to experience snow and cold.   What could be better than to have water in the ponds and in the ground plus the bugs done away with as well.

I suppose "time will tell"!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The 3's for the Bradford Clan

On old wives tale says, "Things happen in 3's."  Well, for the Bradford Clan we had ours last week.
We began the week with Emma being sick so Melodi took her to the doctor.  She had bronchitis.  They gave her amoxicillen.  The next couple of days she would seem to be better for a while and then in the afternoon her fever would return and her stomach was upset.  Finally, by Friday, she broke out in hives.    The poor thing was allergic to amoxicillen!  Not only was her body fighting the bronchitis, but it was dealing with the allergic reaction.  After stopping the medicine Emma began to feel much better!
   Thursday evening Amberlea became very sick.  After going to the doctor she found out she had strep and a sinus infection.  She elected to take a shot for quicker results than deal with medication.
   Friday night Jett woke up a few times in the middle of the night with a stomach ache.  Saturday morning when he did not want to get out of bed because of the pain, it was time to go to the ER.  They diagnosed him with appendicitis.  He was checked into the hospital Saturday afternoon and surgery was done Sunday morning.  Thankfully, all went well with the surgery and he was able to come home Sunday afternoon.
   Right now everyone is healthy at this time!!!

Emma in the doctor's office

The hives

I didn't have a picture of Amberlea and she probably would appreciate the fact I didn't while she was sick - not quite the "Kodak moment"!  

Jett in the hospital before the surgery

Jett after the surgery
Wow!  What a week for the family.  We do hope that our group of 3's is over and done with for quite some time!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Table for the Ladies Conference

Our church hosted a ladies conference.  Tables were to be set up and decorated for the guests that would attend.  With Amberlea's help selecting the theme and items, it turned out beautiful.  Effie's, their store in Yukon had the darling pumpkins.  I would use them for decorating my table at the conference as well as at home for the holidays!
She had planned on coming down to help with the table and attending the conference with me, but that changed when she came down with strep and a sinus infection.  I was left on my own with the table.  I sent her a picture of it and she approved how it looked!

The ones at my table were Grammy, Julia, Michelle, Mary and Phyllis

Thanks, Amber, for the ideas and "long distance" advice!
We enjoyed a delicious meal, fellowship, and a good speaker giving pointers on "Living the Kingdom Life".  

On the Farm Again

Jett had a couple of days he could spend on the farm.  This was what we did:

Chore Time 

Our gate opener (Grandmom gets out of this job when Jett visits!)

Helping to get the chickens

Play time on the hay bales
Grandpop assisted Jett getting on the large bale

Jett let Grandpop take care of the cowboy hat

 Playing with the cats

 The kitten in Jett's lap

 Jett was in charge of the eggs in the egg basket

Jett's favorite cake at Grandmom's house - lemon cake!

Time to have a piece warm out of the oven

Flying the airplane

Whoops!!!  It got stuck on the guttering of the house

 Too high to reach it so a ladder was brought out to retrieve the plane

Painting a pot 

He painted it to look like the green Ninja
Fun times together on the farm!

9 Chicks - 9 Eggs

For the 1st time all 9 of our chickens laid eggs.  Wow!  9 eggs from 9 chickens - now the question is how many ways  can you prepare eggs???  I'll check my cookbooks.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Last Day of our Adventures - Going Home

Our last day on the road began with breakfast, then we would scout out Dodge City, Kansas before driving home.
Another funny story:  At breakfast Jerry asked if anyone had a dry handkerchief because he had become emotional and cried during the Republican Convention speeches that had been given the  night before.  Everyone had a good laugh!
Margaret, Joe, Jerry and Mel

Joe and Margaret deciding what to choose



A sign detailing the history of Dodge City

Of course, longhorn cattle played a very important role in Dodge City's history

El Capitan, the name of the statue honoring the longhorn cattle

Mel, Joe, Margaret and Jerry in front of El Capitan

Joe, Cathy, Margaret and Jerry

Mel, Jerry and Margaret discussing Dodge City

A picture of Front Street - an original street in Dodge where many cattle drives ended, gun fights took place as well as plenty of other "activities" occurred.

Scenery along the way from Kansas to Oklahoma

We were at Yukon close to lunch time so Alfredo's, a Mexican restaurant, sounded like a good idea.  

Since Amberlea lives about 10 minutes away, we called her to see if she and Jett could join us for lunch.  They could!

Our next stop was Joe and Margaret's house.  Time to unload their things.

After leaving them Jerry's house was next.

Unloading Jerry's suitcase

The last stop - Mel and Cathy's house!
Mel leaving our suitcase in the laundry room 

We were so thankful for a safe trip, the time spent together, our time with Donny,  as well as the opportunity to see so many wonderful sights, scenery and historical places!
A trip of a lifetime!!!