Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The 3's for the Bradford Clan

On old wives tale says, "Things happen in 3's."  Well, for the Bradford Clan we had ours last week.
We began the week with Emma being sick so Melodi took her to the doctor.  She had bronchitis.  They gave her amoxicillen.  The next couple of days she would seem to be better for a while and then in the afternoon her fever would return and her stomach was upset.  Finally, by Friday, she broke out in hives.    The poor thing was allergic to amoxicillen!  Not only was her body fighting the bronchitis, but it was dealing with the allergic reaction.  After stopping the medicine Emma began to feel much better!
   Thursday evening Amberlea became very sick.  After going to the doctor she found out she had strep and a sinus infection.  She elected to take a shot for quicker results than deal with medication.
   Friday night Jett woke up a few times in the middle of the night with a stomach ache.  Saturday morning when he did not want to get out of bed because of the pain, it was time to go to the ER.  They diagnosed him with appendicitis.  He was checked into the hospital Saturday afternoon and surgery was done Sunday morning.  Thankfully, all went well with the surgery and he was able to come home Sunday afternoon.
   Right now everyone is healthy at this time!!!

Emma in the doctor's office

The hives

I didn't have a picture of Amberlea and she probably would appreciate the fact I didn't while she was sick - not quite the "Kodak moment"!  

Jett in the hospital before the surgery

Jett after the surgery
Wow!  What a week for the family.  We do hope that our group of 3's is over and done with for quite some time!!!

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