Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our Adventures to Teton Springs - Casper, Wyoming to Teton Springs

We began our morning eating breakfast before we started on the last leg of our trip - to the cabin in Teton Springs located in Victor, Idaho.  The hotel provided a delicious selection of items to enjoy.

After traveling for a few hours it was time for a rest and to fill up with gas.  We stopped at Thermopolis, Wyoming.  Jerry decided caramel popcorn would be good addition to our snack basket.

Margaret and I found these necklaces and earrings that are made of Wyoming Jade.

Once again we loaded up and headed toward Teton Springs .
Scenery along the way

Time to stop to stretch and have a "photo moment".

It was so interesting how on one side of the road there were red rocks and on the other side the grassland and different colored rock!  Of course, that was another "photo moment",

The "man of many hats" (with his hat off) - he was our chauffeur and picture taker!

Discussion about the landscape

Just beautiful and so different that what we are used to seeing!

More changes in the landscape

Seeing such different landscapes and beautiful mountains - how could anyone not believe that there is a God!

In Dubois, Wyoming we stopped - a neat little western town.
Margaret and I scouted out the grocery store for laundry detergent and fabric softener so we would be prepared to do laundry since the cabin had washers and dryers.  We were surprised the prices were cheaper than at home!

More mountains!

We stopped at Moose Junction for a break and to check out the museum there. 

The Teton Mountains

We arrived at Jackson.  We had checked in with Donny.  He was at the cabin and about to take a conference call.  Since he had not eaten and "had no wheels" we would take him something from where we ate.
As we drove through Jackson, parking was a problem.  Mel spotted a parking spot in front of El Abuelito Restaurant.  That would be where we ate.

Everyone getting seated

A funny story at the restaurant - the waitress spoke with an accent and she seemed to be having a hard time understanding what we said.  Margaret asked for saucers to use while we ate cheese dip, chips and salsa.  The girl did not seem to understand.  Finally, after a few more times of Margaret asking, the waitress brought more salsa - a large bowl.  We figured out that she thought Margaret was asking for more "salsa" instead of "saucers".  Another good laugh we enjoyed!

We found the Teton Springs Resort without any difficulty; however, finding cabin BT88 proved to be a little more challenging!  We drove around and found cabin 87.  Logically we thought 88 should be close to that.  Nowhere could we locate our cabin.  We drove around several times, seeing a blonde headed woman with 3 dogs about 3 times.  Finally, I called Donny and he directed us to go back to the club and then begin from there.  He gave us street by street turns.  When we were on the right street we could see him out in the front yard waving his arms.  At last, cabin TB88!!!
Come to find out, if we had just turned right instead of left on Black Foot Trail (the BT before 88), we would have found our cabin.
Later Mel asked Donny if he knew the way or did he use a map to direct us.  He confessed he had used a map of the resort area.
Donny and his Dad

Unloading at the cabin 

Time to relax and visit

Donny talking in between bites of his meal





Donny checking info about the surrounding area
We enjoyed a pleasant evening visiting and catching-up.

After 4 days of driving and seeing several  historic landmarks we were ready to embark on our adventurous week at the Teton Springs Cabin!

Funny Stories
 After breakfast we all had a last minute trip to the restroom before our journey began. Jerry, Margaret, Joe and I sat in the lobby of the hotel waiting for Mel.  We thought he was in the restroom.  Little did we know that he had gone to the car and he was waiting in the car for us while we were waiting for him in the lobby.  I had just started to the door to check, if by chance, he had gone to the car when he called my cell phone.

We discussed Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Monument while driving along.  Mel said his goal is to live until Crazy Horse is finished and then go back to see it.  We know that is going to be many years since there are only 7 workers working daily and the amount of work left to be done on it.

Joe accidentally kept rolling down the window with the button on his arm rest.  Joe thought Mel was rolling it down and Mel thought Joe was getting hot.  The joke became Mel needed to put the "child lock" on for Joe's safety!

Mel decided to take a  dirt "scenic" road for a beautiful mountain picture.  Along the way we saw a sign that said, "Beware Aware Bear Country".  Mel commented, "You don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to run faster than another person with you!"

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