Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Adventures at Teton Springs - Jackson, Wyoming

Our plans for Saturday included Jackson and then stopping at the grocery store for the next day's meals.
One of our coffee makers, Jerry, was up before anyone else and had coffee ready for everyone.  What a deal!  It was so cute - he put in a filter then the coffee packet on top.  Our coffee was "doubly filtered".

Our coffee guys

The "doubly filtered coffee"

Donny, Mel and Joe waiting for the rest of us

Group photo on front steps of cabin

At the club getting the table ready for the 6 of us

Our waitress was very informative about the surrounding area.
She told us about a place in Idaho that had square scoops of ice cream.

The waitress took the picture of all of us

Our joke for today was this sprinkler that was our own "Little Old Faithful" the way it was shooting up.

In Jackson a picture in front of the Elk Antler Arch
(The story follows below the picture)

The elk arches were placed on each corner of the town square in 1954.  The antlers originated from the National Elk Refuge which continues to donate antlers to reburbish the arches.  It is illegal for individuals to collect the antlers on the refuge or in Grand Teton National Park.  Since 1987, the Boy Scouts have been granted permission to collect dropped antlers on the refuge each spring.  The antlers are auctioned to bidders who use them to create furniture, jewelry and other items.  Bidders have paid up to $160 a pound for the antlers.  80 % of the proceeds is returned to the refuge for its winter feeding program.

Jackson had a farmer's market on Saturdays.  It was fabulous!  If we had known about it, we would have just eaten there.  Booths surrounded 3 sides of Jackson Square.

Stagecoach rides were available

A look down one of the streets of the western town

Mel in front of some of the booths

Look at this cucumber grown in Wyoming!  He called it a Wyomocuke.
The flowers and vegetables reminded me of things grown in Alaska.  They were huge!

Joe scouting out the different booths

Cathy in front of a booth

Donny purchasing bread for our meal tomorrow

Donny with the loaf of rye bread

We bought 2 onions - 1 red and 1 white.  Look at the size they were!

Mel and Cathy had their picture made with the stuffed black bear.
We haven't seen one yet , but we were not giving up!
Note Mel's hand in a "bear paw" shape.
At the farmer's market we purchased rye and zucchini breads, onions, jalapenos,  corn and organic cheese from Jersey cows.

In one of the shops in Jackson Donny is helping Joe select a hat to try-on.

"The perfect look"
What would the cows think if they saw Joe feeding them wearing this hat???
The cows would be as surprised as Joe was when he saw the price tag!

Mel and Jerry with the cowboy statue in front of The Cowboy Bar

Inside the Cowboy Bar the barstools are saddles - very unique!

Donny suggested Cathy try on this "bear hat".
Maybe this would help to attract a bear ???

Time for an ice cream break

"What kind of ice cream should I have?" was the question to be answered.

Donny, Margaret, Joe, Jerry and Mel waiting for each one's turn

The guys behind the counter

Margaret with her ice cream

The fellow is preparing Cathy's cone

Cathy had apple ala mode in a waffle cone dipped in chocolate.  Yum! Yum!

Jerry had bought the ice cream for everyone.  Mel told Jerry that if he had known that Jerry was buying, he would have gotten more.  Jerry replied, "Go ahead I do have some "change" left!"
A good laugh for everyone!

Grocery Shopping
The next day, Sunday, was going to be when we ate at the cabin.   For breakfast we would have sausage, biscuits and hash browns along with fruit that was in our snack basket sent by Melodi and Amberlea's families for the trip.  The main meal's menu included:  appetizers of jalapeƱos stuffed with the Jersey cheese, grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad, grilled corn and asparagus and rye bread.

Donny, Mel and Cathy shopping at Albertson's in Jackson

Our grocery items we purchased

Mel and Donny visiting in the check-out aisle

Time to pay

After we arrived back at the cabin Donny marinated the steaks in the secret "Donny's marinade" recipe.

We came home to relax before our evening meal.
In one of the Jackson's stores a clerk had told Donny about a restaurant named, "The Mangy Moose".  Donny made reservations for us to eat there that evening.

Unloading in the "Mangy Moose" Restaurant's parking lot

Inside The Mangy Moose Restaurant

The menu

Our waiter taking our orders
Prime rib was their speciality!

After a delicious meal and doing a little shopping we posed for our photo.

A fun and interesting day we had.  Jackson is a neat town that offers unique items and experiences.

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