Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Closing Adventures of Our Trip to Teton Springs

The morning began with breakfast and then we headed to Canon City, Colorado to see the Royal Gorge Bridge.

The beautiful Rocky Mountains

We saw the Royal Gorge Welcome Center that advertised train tickets.  We stopped there but it was not open yet.  We looked across the street and saw the Canon City Visitors Center.

Canon City Visitors Center

The lady there was very helpful and gave us information about the Royal Gorge Bridge.

Time to load up in the car again

We left the visitors center and drove toward the Royal Gorge Bridge.  Mel use OnStar.  Since we were in the mountains, they could not download turn-by-turn directions so the adviser just went over them with us.  We thought we remembered them, but we did not.  Jerry and Cathy thought we should continue on the winding road around the mountain for a few miles.  Mel understood that we needed to turn around and go a different route.  Joe and Margaret were neutral.  Mel did what Jerry and Cathy thought.  After several miles we were not making progress.  Both agreed it was time to follow the directions Mel understood.  YES, Mel was correct!!!  Let me repeat:  Mel was correct!   Jerry and Cathy had to deal with this reminder the remainder of the day.  (Talk about punishment!).  Haha! Another funny story to add.

We did make it to the Royal Gorge Park.  To be able to get close to the bridge or walk across it, we would have to purchase a $22 ticket apiece to the Royal Gorge Park which had several rides, petting animals, etc.  We decided it was not worth it to us because we were not interested in the rides or petting animals (we can do that at home).
After checking with a park ranger we found out there was a trail down to an observation site for viewing the bridge.
We paid $.50 to view through the viewer.  What a magnificent sight with the mountains, gorge and the bridge that spanned the mountains!

Fascinated by the depth of the river below the bridge

Our terrific chauffeur

The Royal Gorge Bridge

Looking down at the river below

After viewing the bridge we were ready to head toward Dodge City, Kansas, our next destination.

Landscapes along the way

While driving through Pueblo, Colorado we spotted Black-eyed Pea Restaurant.   Years ago we enjoyed eating at one on Expressway when we lived in Yukon.  The consensus was unanimous - the
Black-eyed Pea!

Jerry and Margaret enjoyed strawberry lemonade.  Joe had his usual - tea without ice.

Our waitress serving our raspberry tea

Something new that we had not experienced before - batter fried green beans served with regular Ranch dressing and JalapeƱo Ranch.  Delicious!!

Another funny story:
Mel decided to use OnStar for our route to Holiday Inn Express in Dodge City, Kansas.  When he pushed the button the computerized directions came on instead of an adviser.  Well, we might as well give it a chance.  He told it, "Holiday Inn Express and it came back with "Holly, Florida?".  He said, "Cancel!", then it replied, "Carleton, Kansas?".  After a pause, it finally said, "I will transfer you to an adviser."  "Thank you!" he answered with a sigh of relief.

Landscapes between Pueblo, Colorado and Dodge City, Kansas

We saw more corn.  Like us they were experiencing drought.

Cattle feed lots, as we know them, were very prevalent along that route.  We counted at least 10.  In that part of the country they are not called "feed lots" instead they are called "feed yards".   Learn something new everyday!

Our Holiday Inn Express

Time to unload for the night

Checking In

In the elevator discussing where to eat dinner

The 2 young men at the desk of the hotel recommended Casey's Cowtown.  That was where we went.

Inside the restaurant

The buffalo was made of denim.

The menu

Our waiter taking our orders

Mel, Cathy, Jerry, Margaret and Joe at our table
At Casey's Cowtown Joe and Jerry had shrimp.  Margaret had chicken.  Mel and I had steak.  Mel teased the others saying that since they had sold their cattle, they only ate fish and chicken.

After enjoying a very good meal we headed back to the hotel.  On our way back we were having a good laugh about some funny happenings on the trip.  I commented hat it was hard to laugh on a full stomach. Mel replied, "Then you better not ride with me!"

We continued to joke about the" doughnut shop that wasn't" in Keystone, South Dakota.  I asked Mel if Margaret and I could take a picture of one we had just passed in case we wanted to have doughnuts in the morning.  Another good laugh!

Time for a good night's rest!  Sometime tomorrow we would be home!

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