Monday, September 17, 2012

My Table for the Ladies Conference

Our church hosted a ladies conference.  Tables were to be set up and decorated for the guests that would attend.  With Amberlea's help selecting the theme and items, it turned out beautiful.  Effie's, their store in Yukon had the darling pumpkins.  I would use them for decorating my table at the conference as well as at home for the holidays!
She had planned on coming down to help with the table and attending the conference with me, but that changed when she came down with strep and a sinus infection.  I was left on my own with the table.  I sent her a picture of it and she approved how it looked!

The ones at my table were Grammy, Julia, Michelle, Mary and Phyllis

Thanks, Amber, for the ideas and "long distance" advice!
We enjoyed a delicious meal, fellowship, and a good speaker giving pointers on "Living the Kingdom Life".  

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