Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Adventures at Teton Springs - Grand Teton National Park and Western Show

Our day began a little slower since we had such an early day yesterday.  Leisurely we got up, had coffee and then got ready for breakfast at the club.  Our chauffeur and tour guide needed to do some work and conduct conference calls so we were on our own that morning.  He asked if we would be okay and we assured him we would be.   Do you think he possibly had some doubts about our abilities???   Time for another good laugh.

Cathy had expressed a desire to see a bear.  So far, and with the week almost gone the mission went into "find a bear mode".  Joe and Margaret gave her this bear key chain as a consolation.  At least she could have a picture of one.  How thoughtful and sweet!

Once again we enjoyed the delicious buffet breakfast at the club.

After resting and Donny's work completed we were off to find a bear.  Donny thought since it was later  in the day and cooler that the area around Jenny Lake in the Grand Teton National Park would be a good place to look.
On our way to and from the cabin we would see these state signs.  Cathy wanted a picture of the group with the signs for our book.  This would be a good time to do them.
A funny story:  One in the group asked what will people think since we have the same clothes on in both pictures .   Well, all kinds of stories to cover this question began to emerge.  Some were:  We wore the same clothes for a week, or we forgot what we wore on which day, or we just didn't care.  Just to clear the air, we made the picture in front of the Wyoming sign, then carefully crossed the road to the Idaho sign just a few feet apart.
 (I know this would have really bothered some people, right?).  Just a joke!

The mountains along our route to Grand Teton National Park

A glimpse of the Teton Mountains

We stopped at Moose Junction and the visitors center there to look around.
Jerry and Mel looked at different kinds of landscapes on the floor.  It changes periodically to different ones.

Seems to be this is was close as Cathy could get to seeing a bear and probably was the safest way as well!!!

Mel looking at a habitat display 

Father and son discussed architectural details of the large columns in the center

Now Jerry, Donny and Mel are discussing

Joe, Margaret, Jerry, Donny and Mel with the Teton Mountains in the background

Same group only Cathy traded out for Mel

The Grand Teton Mountain
At 13,770 feet, the Grand Teton is the highest peak in the Teton Range - but not the highest summit in Wyoming.  That belongs to Gannet Peak in the Wind River Range.  The mountain to the left of the Grand Teton is the Middle Teton.

Jenny Lake
We stopped at Jenny Lake to look around and take in the beautiful scenery with the Teton Mountains towering above and Jenny Lake at the base.  Just gorgeous!
Jenny Lake is 2 miles wide and 2.5 miles long.  It is the second largest lake in the Grand Teton National Park.  Its deepest point measures 236 feet.  A glacier that formed out of Cascade Canyon 9,000 years ago formed the body of water with the melting water and sliding rocks.

At this location a bear skin was displayed so you could feel it and see the huge bear claws

Mel examining the claw

The Park Ranger answering questions about the animals and Jenny Lake area

Margaret, Joe, Jerry and Donny taking a look at the bear skin and claws

Joe and Margaret visiting with the Park Ranger

Look at these 2 handsome guys!  
The Teton Mountains and Jenny Lake were in the background.

Jerry, Cathy, Donny, Margaret and Joe in front of Jenny Lake and the Tetons.
Mel was behind the camera.

Donny attempted to enhance Cathy's chance of seeing a bear by putting elderberries in the window on Cathy's side of the car.  How thoughtful was that!!!

How the berries looked from Cathy's backseat view

Surely, surely, surely the berries would do the trick!

We stopped at the Jenny Lake Visitor Center

A display showing the mountains and lake area

Mel and Joe found their favorite spot!

Donny reading up on bears

A recycling tote for the bear repellent spray cans
People could  purchase cans of the repellent for their protection. 

Mel posing with the skull

This pose is even better!!

Jerry found this article in a book at the center that said hackberries were the bears' favorite berry.  We had elderberries.  Would they work instead of hackberries???  Time would tell!

A bear must be in this dense area somewhere!

After driving around and searching, NO bear was found.  If the truth was really known, it's probably a good thing that we didn't.  Who knows, it might have wanted to sit on our car hood or get up too close and personal for comfort.  Maybe some things are better if left alone!

Bar J Wrangler Chuckwagon
This was where we had reservations for an evening meal and dinner show.  The guys had heard about this place when they went rafting.  It was so creative how Donny, Jerry and Mel would remember the name.  It went like this:  Donny had to remember Bar;  Jerry had to remember J (the first letter in his name); and Mel had to remember Wrangler (jeans).  Talk about a system!!!  It worked!

As we walked in we ordered our food then received our ticket that told us where we would sit as well as what we had ordered.

Explaining things to us

Cathy with the consolation option - a picture with the bear statue

Inside the huge dining area

We were at table C

We had our choice at any of the tables that were in our ticket letter section

Jerry found his spot

Margaret gave everyone a paper towel placemat

Outside Dutch Oven Biscuits were being made and given away to be sampled.
Donny and Margaret got one.

This was the cook that made them

His outdoor kitchen for the biscuits

Cathy's biscuit with a bite she had take out of it.
Taste first then take a picture of it.  Right???  The biscuits were yummy and delicious!

Visiting at the table while waiting for time to get our barbecue

Jerry looking around

A son of the original owner of the Bar J Wrangler announced the procedure to get our food.  He added jokes while explaining.  They can feed 750 people in 20 - 25 minutes.

A rack where we got our metal plate

See - it really was metal!

We all had ours with big smiles!

So did Cathy

This fellow put the baked potato on the plate.

This one spooned out the chopped barbecue.  He enjoyed posing!

The "rib man"

This girl was doing applesauce

Here we received square biscuits ( that was a first) and spice cake.

Tins cups with lemonade -  water and coffee were other choices

The plates were full!

As evidenced by the following pictures everyone "chowed down" and "filled up" 





The Dad of the group who started the Bar J Wrangler Chuckwagon

The group performed songs and jokes.  What a great show!

After the show it was time to purchase DVDs of the show or songs 

Mel and Jerry "just a sittin and swingin"!

The man in the window thanking us as we left
(Just a mannequin)

  What a fantastic and fun time we had for our last day in the Teton Springs Area (even if a bear was not spotted)!  

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