Monday, September 17, 2012

On the Farm Again

Jett had a couple of days he could spend on the farm.  This was what we did:

Chore Time 

Our gate opener (Grandmom gets out of this job when Jett visits!)

Helping to get the chickens

Play time on the hay bales
Grandpop assisted Jett getting on the large bale

Jett let Grandpop take care of the cowboy hat

 Playing with the cats

 The kitten in Jett's lap

 Jett was in charge of the eggs in the egg basket

Jett's favorite cake at Grandmom's house - lemon cake!

Time to have a piece warm out of the oven

Flying the airplane

Whoops!!!  It got stuck on the guttering of the house

 Too high to reach it so a ladder was brought out to retrieve the plane

Painting a pot 

He painted it to look like the green Ninja
Fun times together on the farm!

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