Friday, September 7, 2012

Our Adventures at Teton Springs - Rafting and Home Cooking

Jerry, Donny and Mel had a 9:30 time for rafting the Snake River.  Breakfast was prepared by Margaret and Cathy so the rafters could be on their way for their exciting ride.
Donny told about Connie being very concerned about Jerry going on the rafting trip.  She voiced her opinion of where he would be alright, what about his defibrillator getting wet, etc.   It was so cute.  Donny consoled her by telling her that Jerry did take showers and got wet.  We had a good laugh.

What a beautiful beginning to Sunday!

The guys relaxing while breakfast is being prepared

The breakfast spread

Mel filling his plate

Jerry and Joe ready to fill their plates

Jerry, Donny and Mel ready to go rafting

After the guys left for their rafting trip Margaret and Cathy did laundry for the group.  How nice that we had 2 sets of washers and dryers!

Cathy made the Pioneer Woman's recipe for "Knock You Naked Brownies".
"Knock You Naked Brownie" Recipe
1 box German Chocolate Cake Mix                                   60 caramels
1 cup nuts                                                                            1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup evaporated milk                                                       1/3 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup butter, melted

Mix cake mix, nuts, 1/3 c. milk and melted butter.  Stir until combined.  Press half of mixture into greased 8 X 8 pan that has been sprayed with Pam.  Bake 8 - 10 min.
Microwave the caramels and  1/2 cup milk.  Stir until melted and mixed.  Pour over baked brownie.  Sprinkle with chocolate chips.  Put remaining brownie dough on top.  Bake at 350 degrees 20 - 25 min.
Rich and Delicious!!

Joe and Margaret cleaned the grill so it would be ready when our chef, Donny, returned.
The rafters enjoyed the exciting ride!  Just look at the pictures!!!

The rafters return home!

"Fun and exciting!" was how Jerry described the trip,

 Donny telling us about the trip

Mel listening to the others
A few interesting tidbits about their rafting trip: 
 Glenn was the bus driver who took them to the river.  He had been in Jackson for 36 years and knew a lot about the history of the area.  He was a square dance caller and auctioneer.
Years ago they would use pigeons to carry the film of the rafters on the water to be developed.  The eagles and ospreys began to steal the film from the pigeons.  So they had to devise another method.
The guide's name was Lillie.  The guys were with a family of 5 from California.  The river trip was 1 1/2 hours long.  Most of all - they had fun!!!

Jerry looking at the blog about our adventures on our trip

Our chef is working in the kitchen

All at once it just poured!  We experienced sleet on August 26th, 2012 - quite unusual for Okies!

Donny manning the grill

Joe was Donny's assistant

Margaret in the kitchen

Look at all the help (or advice) Donny has!

A grill full of steaks, fresh corn on the cob and asparagus - what could be better???

A rafter trying to warm up and rest

Another rafter taking it easy

Time to eat!  Yum! Yum! Yum!

Donny using the "bear salad claws" I had bought in Jackson - the story behind them is:  Bears love to dig their paws into any "ol dish, dumpster or hollow log and enjoy grubbin' like a bear.  These are good for "pawing your way into the salad (or pasta).

After eating the delicious feast, we sat around the table and reminisced about old times .
Another day of fun, adventures, good food and good companionship!

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