Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Presidential Trip - Day 2

We began our day with breakfast then the Truman Visitor's Center was our first destination.  We got a second "Passport" ( Yellowstone had given us one last year - but that allows only 4 people to get in free) the second one made sure the 5 of us would be able to get into the National Parks free.  
We toured the Truman House then spent time at the Truman Museum and Library. 

Breakfast Time

Truman Visitor's Center

In front of the Truman House

The tour guide

Truman Museum and Library

Mid-afternoon meal was eaten here.

Hannibal, Missouri (Home of Mark Twain)
Hannibal Museum

Inside the museum

Mark Twain Impersonator

Sham's, where we enjoyed delicious Gelato.

So many flavors to choose from!

Yum! Yum!

After walking down the street we discovered an ice cream store.  Joe and Mel decided to have ice cream.  The gelato earlier was just the appetizer, they said.

Beautiful and unique pieces of pottery are made in Hannibal.

Another interesting and fun day on our trip!

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