Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Girls on the Farm (Thursday)

The girls were worn out and needed their rest so they slept in today.  This would be a "home day" to enjoy a slower pace.  Since Emma's birthday is next week, we had her birthday meal today.  It was lasagna, okra, corn on the cob and chocolate cake.

The girls played outside

Made potholders

The girls bagged corn for the freezer.

Enjoying Emma's birthday meal

After having 2 helpings of lasagna, Emma needed to rest.

 Emma made her bonnet girl that she had embroidered into a pillow.  She used the sewing machine and did a wonderful job!

Time to stuff the pillow

What a cute project she did!
McKaylea will make hers when she completes her embroidery project.

McKaylea made a picture for Grammy.  Emma showed her the pillow she had made.

The girls stayed busy on the farm today.

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