Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Girls and Jett on the Farm (Tuesday)

The kids began their day at 4:08 a.m..  I suggested they go back to sleep for a little while.  At 4:15 Emma stated that it was later and time to get up.  We did!
At 8:30 a.m. Emma wanted to know if it was lunch time or breakfast time.  After getting up that early I can see why she wondered.
About mid-morning we went to a park in Ada where the kids could play.  The water park there was fun for them.

After the park Braum's was the choice for lunch.

Jett decided he would try embroidery.  He did a good job on the firefly.

Each tried to "crack the code" of jewels of the others.

Later in the day chores were done and Grandpop and I had chauffeurs to and from the barn.  We have devised a schedule so each one has a turn.  After showers and supper movie time would begin before bed.
Another fun filled day on the farm!

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