Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Girls and Jett on the Farm (Wednesday)

Today was a busy day on the farm.
 Jett and Emma got up early (but later than yesterday - 5:15 a.m.).  McKaylea slept in until 7:15.  
Our schedule included delivering meals, then meeting Mitch at Norman since Jett was going home.

Emma peeled boiled eggs for me.  She is a good helper!

Grandpop wanted to move the heifers we had weaned from one pasture to another across the driveway.
He stationed Jett and Emma on one end and McKaylea on the other as deterrents so the heifers would not go anywhere but across.  Good job, Kids!

After doing their "cow-hand work" it was time to go to the Senior Citizens Center.

Patiently waiting until the meals are ready to be loaded and delivered

Everyone helped to load the items.

McKaylea held the desserts and handed them to me when I needed one for half of the delivery, then Emma had her turn for the other half.  Jett had helped on previous occasions.

On the road to McDonald's then Norman

McDonald's at Pauls Valley was the kids' choice for lunch.

After eating they had time to play.

Jett was sad his time with the girls had come to an end; however, they had a played hard and had a lot of fun together while he was here.

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